Democrats Vote to Increase Military Spending to Record High

Update December 14: Today the U.S. Senate passed this bill by 86-13.  The Democrats voted in favor of it by 42-7.  Thanks, Democrats, for wasting money on military adventurism.

169 Democrats (out of 222) just voted with Republicans to increase military spending to $768 billion per year. That’s more than Trump’s last defense budget. Last year, Trump crowed about his massive $738 billion for the U.S. military. Now, Democrats want $768 billion for the military.

More tha 3/4 of the Democrats in the U.S. House voted with Republicans to throw billions more at defense contractors, weapons, and war. The Democratic establishment has learned nothing from decades of trillion dollar wars and disinvestment in housing, education, and the social safety net.

The Senate is expected to rubber stamp this bill and send it to the White House for signature.