Hearing Date |
Dan's Comment | Others' Comments |
4109 Directs Department of
Environmental Quality and State Forestry Department to study
opportunities for state actions to promote carbon sequestration and to
include in study consideration of regional approaches for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions through carbon sequestration.
Feb 13 |
I think this is the bill that will pass. |
4004 Directs Environmental
Quality Commission to adopt rules applying certain oil spill prevention
and emergency response planning requirements to railroads that own or
operate high hazard train routes in this state.
Feb 8 x Feb 15 |
Gotta regulate the oil trains. |
1508 Requires Environmental
Quality Commission to establish fee applicable to certain air
contamination sources to cover direct and indirect costs of Department
of Environmental Quality and commission in developing and implementing
a program and rules to reduce public health risks of emissions of toxic
air contaminants from industrial and commercial air contamination
Feb 12 x |
This is supported by Neighbors for Clean Air and
lots of other environmental groups. |
4002 Requires Environmental
Quality Commission to establish fee applicable to certain air
contamination sources to cover direct and indirect costs of Department
of Environmental Quality and commission in developing and
program and rules to reduce public health risks of emissions of toxic
air contaminants from industrial and commercial air contamination
Feb 12 x |
This is supported by Neighbors for Clean Air and lots of other environmental groups. | |
4033 Requires Secretary of
State to conduct study and analyze implementation of laws relating to
elections that were passed during 2017 regular session of Legislative
Feb 15 |
Feb 15 |
Oregon's whistleblower laws are very weak.
This would be a small improvement. |
4121 Requires Housing and
Community Services Department to establish and administer program that
provides incentive payments to construction contractors undertaking
energy improvement projects on residential structures and provides
grants for energy improvement projects for manufactured
Feb 14 x |
4126 Establishes product
stewardship program for household hazardous waste.
Feb 14 x |
Feb 14 x |
This bill does some good things and some bad
things. The bad thing is reducing the public purpose
charge. The sort of bad thing is refunding the Klamath River dam
removal surcharge. It cuts the public purpose surcharge in half. Makes stupid, uninformed changes to PUC procedure. Good things include an anti-revolving door provision (PUC employees cannot go work for utilities for 2 years), a 4.5% limit on authorized rate of return, and prohibiting utilities from charging ratepayers the cost of cleaning up Superfund sites. Our testimony should support the good things and oppose the bad things. |
02/07/2018 MEETING: Expands list of health care professionals who can
provide medical release to youth athlete who is suspected of having
Feb 12 x |
Horrendous. Allows unqualified persons working for a school athletics department to clear football players back into the game, after concussions. It also immunizes the school and school district and all employees from any liability for putting an injured kid back into the game, even if it results in the death of the kid. That is also existing law, BTW, which must be changed. | |
SB 1541 Authorizes Environmental Quality Commission to adopt program and rules to reduce public health risks of emissions of toxic air contaminants from industrial and commercial air contamination sources. | Feb 12 x |
This is opposed by Neighbors for Clean Air and lots of other environmental groups. | |
1519 Creates Oregon Energy
Commission as policy and rulemaking body for State Department of Energy
Feb 12 x |
Adds new layer of bureaucracy. Fails to
take the functions of the Energy Facility Siting Council, however,
which would make sense. Only 88 single-spaced pages long. |
1537 Establishes Oregon Energy
Commission as policy and rulemaking body for State Department of Energy.
Feb 12 x |
Adds new layer of bureaucracy. Fails to
take the functions of the
Energy Facility Siting Council, however, which would make sense. Only 73 single-spaced pages long, |
4015 Establishes Oregon
Conservation and Recreation Fund.
Feb 13 x |
4121 Requires Housing and
Community Services Department to establish and administer program that
provides incentive payments to construction contractors undertaking
energy improvement projects on residential structures and provides
grants for energy improvement projects for manufactured dwellings.
Feb 12 removed |
4155 Prohibits broadband
Internet access service provider from disclosing, selling or permitting
access to personal information of customers of provider.
Feb 13 x |
4060 Modifies and adds laws
related to transportation.
Public Hearing
-Vehicle Privilege Tax -Electric Vehicle Rebate Programs (Sections 29-32) |
Feb 12 x Feb 14 |