February 8, 2018
Progressive Party
Position on Bill at 2018
Session of Oregon Legislature:
HB 4004: Support, but Needs
The Oregon
Party supports HB 4004, which:
- Directs
Environmental Quality Commission to adopt rules applying certain oil
spill prevention and emergency response planning requirements to
railroads that own or operate high hazard train routes in this state.
- Modifies
certain requirements under oil or hazardous material spillage statutes.
- Requires
railroads that own or operate high hazard train routes to submit
annually certain proof of financial responsibility for high hazard
train routes.
- Establishes
High Hazard Train Route Oil Spill Prevention Fund.
Continuously appropriates moneys in fund to Department of Environmental
Quality to be used for costs related to contingency planning and
preparedness for high hazard train routes.
But HB 4004
is not sufficient. We recommend adoption of a statute similar to
Minnesota Statutes Chapter 115E. Oil and Hazardous Substance Discharge
Preparedness. We have attached that law for reference.
Oregon Progressive Party
Daniel Meek
authorized legal representative
503-293-9021 |