February 20, 2018
Progressive Party
Position on Bill at 2018
Session of Oregon Legislature:
HB 4104: Support
The Oregon
Party supports this bill, which:
- Requires
health insurers to reimburse costs of bilateral cochlear implants, if
medically appropriate, including programming and reprogramming
expenses, and repair costs.
- Defines
hearing assistive technology system.
- Requires
health insurers to reimburse for ear molds, replacement ear molds, and
hearing assistive technology system for an enrollee who is younger than
19, or 19 to 25 years of age and enrolled in a secondary school or
accredited educational institution.
- Requires
health insurers provide other specific hearing aid benefits.
- Requires
health insurers to ensure members have access to pediatric
audiologists, provide notice of coverage limits, and offer education
materials describing appropriate technologies.
As long as
health insurance is a private sector activity, this sort of government
management will be necessary
Oregon Progressive Party
Daniel Meek
authorized legal representative
503-293-9021 |