Rick Staggenborg's Voters Pamphlet Statement

Rick Staggenborg for United States Senate

Occupation: Physician

Occupational Background: Psychiatrist, US Army Medical Corps, Medical Director of a County Mental Health Agency, Veterans Administration (VA) psychiatrist and Acting Associate Chief of Staff for Mental Health Services for the Roseburg VA Health Service Center. Currently serving as a volunteer for the national council of the Alliance for Democracy and founder of Soldiers For Peace International.

Educational Background: Woodrow Wilson High School, Portland State University (BS in Psychology and Biology), Oregon Health Sciences Center (completed residency training at the University of New Mexico).

Prior Governmental Experience: No elective office, but extensive familiarity with Federal government bureauocracy through my work with the VA. * * *


-- Served as a Precinct Community Person in Coos County. Regular contributor to the Advocate newspaper.

-- Activist--Educator for a truly universal and affordable health care system in Oregon and the United States as an Oregon contact person for Physicians for a National Health Program and Healthcare Now.

-- Community leader in establishing a comprehensive health care system in Coos County through the development of the County Mental Health system, the local hospital program, and the mental health system in the coastal VA clinics and the Roseburg system as a whole.

-- Working to improve access to services for Oregon veterans.


-- Creating and bringing jobs to the US and reducing the threat of war by conversion to a sustainable localized economy based on alternative energy the elimination of special tax breaks for international corporations and getting out of NAFTA and the World Trade Organization.

-- A constitutional amendment to end the ability of large corporations to pay for the campaigns of politicians who put their interests above those of Americans.

-- A rapid but safe complete withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq.

-- Scrapping the current health care bill and establishing a truly universal and affordable single--payer health care system in the United States.

-- Reform of the bureaucracy in Washington and more efficient delivery of essential government services, especially for veterans.

-- Real regulation of the banking/finance firms that could have prevented the wholesale destruction of the American and world economies.

-- Campaign finance reform.

The people of Oregon are ready to retire Ron Wyden and I am ready to win


I will work for real health care reform instead of a bailout for the failing medical insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry that is holding Medicare and the taxpayer hostage.

I will introduce a Constitutional amendment to abolish corporate personhood, the Supreme Court doctrine that holds that corporations have the right to buy a controlling interest in our Senate.

I will ask for a seat on the Veteran Affairs Committee, where I am prepared to lead the reform of the Veterans Administration.

I will be ready to work with Jeff Merkley to lead Oregon and the nation out of the mess that the current and past administrations have failed to adequately address, thanks in part to a corrupt Senate.


Where will Rick be speaking?

I would like to hear more and meet him.

I endorse Dr. Rick Staggenborg for the US Senate

Dick McManus for Congress, 2nd CD-WA, 2012
Democrat,Everett/Mill Creek, WA
Chief Warrant Officer/counterintelligence special agent, US Army, retired.


check out my online book - a work in progress:
and learn about the crimes of the CIA and US war crimes, etc.

I endorse Dr. Rick Staggenborg for the US Senate

Dick McManus for Congress, 2nd CD-WA, 2012
Democrat,Everett/Mill Creek, WA

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