March Progressive Calendar

Below is progressive events calendar for March and April. If you know of an event you think should be listed please send me the details at

Last night at the David Cobb/Riki Ott event at the 1st UU Church, we begin the event with a musical number by Dave Edwards and David Lyles, titled We the People Solumnly. They have a YTube video of it and is worth seeing. Link to it: I think it should be called A Railroad is not a Person.

David e. Delk, Alliance for Democracy - Portland Chapter, 503.232.5495 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              503.232.5495      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

On-going Events.
The Kinton Grange is sponsoring a Film Series on Agriculture and Food starting Wednesday, Jan 20 and continuing on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday through April.
The Kinton Grange is part of a national organization created for the benefit of farmers and eaters in 1868, a time of national crisis and recovery following the War Between the States.
Please come early and stay late for informal discussions over snacks and desserts. Topic the movies will cover: CSAs, Community Supported Agriculture, GMOs, Genetically Modified Foods, Food supply chains, Surplus and shortages, Food and life styles, farm methods. Movies are mostly documentaries, some are foreign, a few are quite old, but still relevant. "The Real Dirt on Farmer John" is humorous as well as revealing. Goal is to promote discussion and greater awareness, so we invite your suggestions for additional titles.
Free, but $5 donation is requested. Refreshments are pot-luck.
Other movies may include but are not limited to: King Corn,The Real Dirt on Farmer John,The Gleaners, ., Harvest of Shame, Our Daily Bread, Grapes of Wrath, Supersize Me, Of Mice and Men, Botany of Desire" Link to our website at for more info.
March '10
Wed. March 3, 6PM, Knappa High School Gym, 41535 Old Hwy 30, ASTORIA
DEQ permit processes for the Proposed Bradwood Landing Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal and Pipeline.
At the meeting, the Oregon Depart. of Environmental Quality will provide current information about environmental permits that will be required for the proposed Bradwood Landing Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal and Pipeline project. This is an informational meeting only, not a formal public hearing , which will be held later. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide comments related to DEQ permitting considerations and processes. There will be additional opportunities for public comment after this meeting as the DEQ permit processes continue.
More infor at
Friday, March 5, 7 PM, First Unitarian Church
Israel and Palestine: TWO STATES OR ONE?, Ali Abunimah
Has Israel's attempt to "change the facts on the ground" in Palestine been successful? Is the "two-state solution" a viable option any more? Has it ever been? And what next?
Ali Abunimah, founder of the Electronic Intifada and author of One Country, A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse will lay out the arguments...
Sponsored by
Peace Action Committee of the First Unitarian Church, Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights, Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights Cosponsored by Lutherans for Justice in the Holy Land - A Ministry of Central Lutheran Church, Portland Peaceful Response Coalition
Saturday. March 6, 3:30 - 5 PM, Portland Community Music Center - 3340 SE Francis St.
Financial State of The State with state Representative Jules Bailey
join me as we discuss the State Budget and Revenue Restructuring. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the budget process. We need to get our economy back on track and create good jobs here in Oregon That means a sustainable 21st century economy for Oregon that creates family wage jobs, prepares our children to succeed, provides health care for all, and confronts our global environmental challenges.
Monday, March 15, 7:30 PM (doors open at 6:30) First Congregational Church, 1126 SW Park, Portland
Illahee Lecture Series: Power, Change and Food, Wes Jackson
Wes Jackson is founder and President of The Land Institute. He is the author of several books including New Roots for Agriculture and Becoming Native to This Place and is widely recognized as a leader in the international movement for a more sustainable agriculture. He was a 1990 Pew Conservation Scholar, a 1992 MacArthur Fellow, and a 2000 Right Livelihood Award recipient. Jackson's focus is the development of natural systems agriculture and the transformation of our food systems.
Saturday, March 20, 12 Noon, Terry Schrunk Plaza, SW 3rd and Madison
Iraq, Seven Years Later, Change US Foreign Policy, Bring All the Troops Home?
Rally, March and Teach-in
12 noon, rally, Terry Schrunk Plaza, SW 3rd and Madison, Portland
12:30 PM march to teach-in
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM: Teach-in (refreshments and literature available) Main St Sanctuary, First Unitarian Church, SW 12th and Main, Portland
End the Occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine
• Stop the Expanding Attacks in the Middle East: No Drone Strikes in Pakistan
• No War on Iran
• US Out of Latin America
Coordinated by: Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group
Co-sponsored by: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom-Portland; Portland Peaceful Response Coalition; Center for Intercultural Organizing; American Iranian Friendship Council; Women in Black; American Friends Service Committee; International Socialist Organization; Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER); Metanoia Peace Community; Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility and others.
For more information: Peace and Justice Works, 503-236-3065 or
Saturday, March 20, 10 AM, (doors open at 9:30AM), 1st UU Church, SW 12 and Salmon
Coal's Future in Oregon
In a region of the nation known for its effort toward a clean and green environment and striving to be a national leader in sustainability, coal contines to be a major source of energy in Oregon. In fact, forty percent of Oregon's energy comes from coal.
What role should coal play in Oregon's energy future?
Should PGE's Boardman plant be allowed to continue to burn coal until 2014, 2020, or 2040?
Should PGE install expensive technology to "clean" up its coal? Or is the question, when should it?
Should PGE be required to stop using coal now? If not now, when?
Hear the opposing viewpoints from
Robin Everett, Associate Regional representative of the sierra club's Beyond Coal Campaign
Reuben Plantico - Director of Environmental and Sustainable Policy for Portland General Electric
Sponsored by Community for earth of the 1st UU Church
Co-sponsored by Alliance for Democracy, Oregon Environmental Council, West hills UU Fellowship Green Sanctuary Council, Oregon Interfaith Power and Light.
Friday - Sunday, March 26 -28, University of Portland Confluences: Water & Justice Conference
Bringing together some of the nation’s leading experts to examine various perspectives on water, including environmental justice, protection, science, theology, business, history, law, and the Native American perspective. The Confluences: Water & Justice symposium opens Friday afternoon, March 26, with a lecture and cruise on the Willamette River followed by a screening of The Water Front, a documentary film on water rights in Michigan. Afterwards, director Liz Miller answers questions. On Saturday, March 27, and Sunday, March 28, over twenty experts share their expertise in concurrent sessions. Most sessions pair speakers of different viewpoints to promote discussion. Maude Barlow – author, activist, and senior advisor on water to the president of the UN General Assembly – gives the keynote address on Saturday night. Conference registration for Confluences: Water & Justice is free. Tickets for Maude Barlow's keynote are $10 per person; free for ILLAHEE season ticket holders, conference hosts and sponsors, and University of Portland faculty, staff, and students.
Friday, March 27, 7:30PM, University of Portland The Water Front, with director Liz Miller
Part of the Confluences; Water & Justice conference, the Water Front is Liz Miller's documentary about the fight for water rights in Highland Park, Michigan. The viewing will be followed by a Q&A with Miller.
Saturday, March 27, 7:30 PM University of Portland, Water Warrior, Maude Barlow with introductory remarks by Oregon Attorney General John Kroger Keynote speaker for the Confluences: Water & Justice conference March 26-28 at the University of Portland More infor on conference at can easily picture Maude Barlow, National Chairperson of the Council of Canadians, outside the corporate headquarters of Suez or Veolia, all alone, bullhorn in hand, shouting to the executives on the 47th Floor, "Come out, I have you completely surrounded." But one can also picture hundreds of corporate executives coming out with their hands up. Because Barlow isn't alone, she has millions of people behind her.
Tuesday ,March 30 6pm - 7:30pm, Smith Memorial Student Union, Ballroon at Portland State Univeristy, 1825 SW Broadway
Gubernational Environmental Debate
Democratic candidates Bill Bradbury and former Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber, and Repbulican candidate Allen Alley will be asked to lay out a vision for Oregon's future, addressing everything from climate change and clean energy, to toxics and public health, to management of the stae's natural resources and speical places.
Event hosted by Environment Oregon, the Oregon Environment Council, the Oregon League of Conservation Voters and the Oregon Chapter of the Sierra club.
Admission is free but reservations must be made in advance here: