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Rally/March for Peace and Justice 9-10-21 in Portland
Submitted by DavidDelk on Wed, 08/25/2021 - 21:32
Oregon Progressive Party has endorsed a rally organized by Peace & Justice Work marking the 20th anniversary of the beginning of America's endless wars.
9/11: Twenty Years of War, Stoking Fear, Erasing Rights and Misdirected Funding
Expanded Friday Rally/March for Peace and Justice
Please mask up and stay distanced for safety
Location: Pioneer Courthouse Sq, SW Yamhill & Broadway, Portland
Date/time: Friday, September 10-2021, 4:30 - 6 PM
The Oregon Progressive Party strongly opposes the proposed Pembina propane export terminal at the Port of Portland.
Submitted by DavidDelk on Sat, 02/07/2015 - 21:44
Our party stands for keeping fossil fuels in the ground. Public resources should be dedicated to clean, renewable energy such as wind and solar power.
We urge the Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission to vote No on the proposed zoning amendment that will allow propane to be piped through an environmentally sensitive area. That zoning has existed since 1989 and exists to stop environmentally dangerous activity like this proposed terminal. Why change it now?
Environmentalists worry that storing this propane could result in a massive explosion that would endanger thousands of citizens. In addition to accidental explosions, trains with 100 cars of compressed liquid propane are easy targets for terrorism.
The Canadian company Pembina wants to use Portland as its major export point for fossil fuels shipping to Asia.
We urge residents to attend the March 17 Planning and Sustainability Commission meeting and oppose the export terminal.
Tuesday, March 17, 3:00 PM
Planning and Sustainability Commission (PSC)
1900 SW 4th Ave.
Portland OR
Send comments to psc@portlandoregon.gov with "Terminal Zoning" in the subject line or send a letter to the PSC at above address, Attn: Terminal Zoning
More information is available on this informative flyer from ILWU, Columbia Riverkeeper, and Audubon Society of Portland.
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Rally: No Fast Track Authority, No NAFTA style trade agreements
Submitted by DavidDelk on Sun, 12/28/2014 - 18:08
Rally before Sen Wyden's Portland Town Hall Meeting
Saturday, January 3, 2:00 PM, (Town Hall meeting starts at 2:30 PM)
Portland Community College, SE Campus
SE 82nd and Division
Sen Wyden is having a series of town hall meetings and, at this one in Portland, we will rally to let Sen Wyden know that we do not support the same old Fast Track Authority (FTA) which he has opposed in the past. FTA has been used in the past to speed corporate trade agreements (like NAFTA, CAFTA and the most recent US So Korea Agreement) through Congress without the usual democratic process - FTA allows limited debate and no amendments. More information on other town halls meeting is available on the Economic Justice Action Group of 1st Unitarian Church website at http://www.ejag.org/
We need to tell the Senator that we don't want to speed job destroying environmentally harmful,corporate trade agreement which attack the soverienity of the nations through Congress. We expect, we demand full debates and then rejection of such agreements.
If you can't be at the rally, then please email and call his office with the messge that you are paying attention and that you expect him to represent you, not the corporate interests which drive the writing of agreements like the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Trans Atlantic Free Trade Agreements and the Trade in Services Agreement.
Shadows of Liberty
Submitted by DavidDelk on Tue, 12/02/2014 - 23:56
Portland Premier of Internationally Acclaimed Film
"Shadows of Liberty"
Friday, December 12 at 7:00 PM, The Oregon Labor Center, 3645 SE 32nd Ave
Cost: Free, with donations appreciated.
Sponsored by Alliance for Democracy, Move to AmendPDX, Economic Justice Action Group of First Unitarian Church, KBOO, OR AFL-CIO
ABOUT SHADOWS OF LIBERTY: Shadows of Liberty reveals the extraordinary truth behind the news media: censorship, cover?ups and corporate control. Filmmaker Jean-Philippe Tremblay takes an intrepid journey through the darker corridors of the American media landscape, where global conglomerates call the shots. For decades, their overwhelming influence has distorted news journalism and compromised its values. In highly revealing stories, renowned journalists, activists and academics give insider accounts of a broken media system. Controversial news reports are suppressed, people are censored for speaking out, and lives are shattered as the arena for public expression is turned into a private profit zone. Tracing the story of media manipulation through the years, Shadows of Liberty poses a crucial question: why have we let a handful of powerful corporations write the news?
FEATURING: Danny Glover, Julian Assange, Dan Rather, Amy Goodman, David Simon, Daniel Ellsberg, Norman Solomon, Janine Jackson, Dick Gregory, Roberta Baskin, Robert McChesney, John Nichols, Kristina Borjesson, Chris Hedges, and many more.
Health Care for All Rally/Lobby Day
Submitted by DavidDelk on Sun, 11/16/2014 - 00:20
Join the Oregon Progressive Party and
Health Care for All Oregon
on the steps of the Oregon capital in Salem on
February 11, 2015
11 AM - 1 PM
The 2015 legislative session will have started earlier in the week and we gather to tell our state representatives and senators that we need a health care financing system in Oregon which is
and results in better health care outcomes
for all Oregonians.
We need a Single Payer Healthcare system to replace the private for-profit insurance system we have now.
Register today to go and rally and then to lobby our elected officials. Register here.
Everybody In, Nobody Out!
Because health care is a human right!
Measure 90 (Top Two Primary) Goes Down in Flames
Submitted by info on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 23:30
The Oregon Progressive Party congratulates the voters of Oregon for their overwhelming rejection of Measure 90, the "top-two primary."
With two-thirds of all votes counted, Measure 90 is losing by a vote of 67% NO to 33% YES.
"The out-of-state billionaires spent $4.7 million in order to control Oregon's future elections, but they failed," said Dan Meek (a Portland attorney active in opposing Measure 90).
The "yes" side has reported spending nearly $6 million, while the "no" side spent $1.3 million. But the "no" side also had many dedicated volunteers who spread the word that Measure 90 would destroy democracy in Oregon.
Former top-level Enron energy trader John Arnold contributed $2.75 million to support Measure 90, and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg added $1.93 million. So over 80% of all the funds for Measure 90 came from billionaires who neither live nor work in Oregon.
John Arnold made his mark on society as one of the top managers of the Enron energy trading operation. That was the bunch who caused the phony "West Coast Energy Crisis" of 2000-2002 with their fraudulent trades, which resulted in rolling blackouts and huge rate increases. Later studies have shown that it cost the California economy alone over $42 billion.
"Burn, baby, burn. That's a beautiful thing." That is what Enron traders were recorded as saying as a fire approached a major transmission line, because it caused the line to be "derated" or shut off, thus drastically increasing electricity prices.
For information about Measure 90's money and how it would have destroyed Oregon's democracy, see http://saveoregonsdemocracy.org.
Community Forum about Drones, Our Local to Global Future, What will Oregonians Decide?
Submitted by DavidDelk on Tue, 07/15/2014 - 14:33
The use of drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), is a controversial issue. Most public discussion of drones has focused on military use. Less attention has been paid to the expanding use of domestic drones. Oregon passed HB 2710, restricting public agency use of drones, but with no guidance on private use.
To help us understand the safefy and privacy concerns associated with drones, Oregonians for Drone Control is hosting a panel discussion moderated by Steve Duin between nationally known panelists - a retired US colonel, a drone industry leader, a national robotics expert, and an Oregon legislator - on the uses and limits on drone technology, and who should decide.
Community Forum on Drones Real Talk on Drones - What Will Oregon Decide? |
Thursday, August 7, 7:00 - 9:00 PM First Unitarian Church, SW 12th and Salmon, downtown Portland |
Retired Army Colonel Ann Wright will address the use of drones - domestically and internationally, in war and in peace, by police and civilians, by the state and by private corporations. Col Wright famously resignes as a US diplomat in protest of the Iraq War in 2003. She is the author of Dissent: Voices of Conscience.
Brian Whiteside, industry leader and Vice President of the award-winning Cascade Chapter of the Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International.
Peter Lumsdaine, researcher and frequent speaker on the use of robotics in warfare and social control; and founder of ARROWS, Alliance to Resist Robotic Warfare.
Rep. Jennifer Williamson, Oregon State Representative and member of the legislative work group that developed HB 2710, intended to provide guidance on drone uses and limits.
Sponsored by Economic Justice Action Group of 1st Unitarian Church, Oregonian for Drone Control, Alliance for Democracy, KBOO Community Radio, Oregon Progressive Party, others.
Admission: $5-20 sliding scale; no one turned away for lack of funds
Doors open at 6:30. Come early and visit the tables of our sponsors.
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