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open primary
Measure 90 (Top Two Primary) Goes Down in Flames
Submitted by info on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 23:30
The Oregon Progressive Party congratulates the voters of Oregon for their overwhelming rejection of Measure 90, the "top-two primary."
With two-thirds of all votes counted, Measure 90 is losing by a vote of 67% NO to 33% YES.
"The out-of-state billionaires spent $4.7 million in order to control Oregon's future elections, but they failed," said Dan Meek (a Portland attorney active in opposing Measure 90).
The "yes" side has reported spending nearly $6 million, while the "no" side spent $1.3 million. But the "no" side also had many dedicated volunteers who spread the word that Measure 90 would destroy democracy in Oregon.
Former top-level Enron energy trader John Arnold contributed $2.75 million to support Measure 90, and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg added $1.93 million. So over 80% of all the funds for Measure 90 came from billionaires who neither live nor work in Oregon.
John Arnold made his mark on society as one of the top managers of the Enron energy trading operation. That was the bunch who caused the phony "West Coast Energy Crisis" of 2000-2002 with their fraudulent trades, which resulted in rolling blackouts and huge rate increases. Later studies have shown that it cost the California economy alone over $42 billion.
"Burn, baby, burn. That's a beautiful thing." That is what Enron traders were recorded as saying as a fire approached a major transmission line, because it caused the line to be "derated" or shut off, thus drastically increasing electricity prices.
For information about Measure 90's money and how it would have destroyed Oregon's democracy, see http://saveoregonsdemocracy.org.
Dan Meek Debates Top Two Primary Proposal on KATU
Submitted by info on Sun, 08/03/2014 - 18:27
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