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Medicare for all
Rally for Medicare for All - July 24, 2021
Submitted by DavidDelk on Thu, 07/01/2021 - 23:28
Rally for Improved Medicare for All
March for Medicare for All
Hosted by Medicare for All PDX and
Oregon Progressive Party because
Health Care is a Human Right
Saturday, July 24th, 12:00 PM
Shemanski Park, 1010 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97205
During the COVID-19 pandemic, 15 million Americans lost their employer-sponsored health insurance. This in addition to the 87 million that were uninsured or underinsured before the crisis. It's time for universal, public healthcare - free at the point of service and guaranteed for all. It's time for Medicare for All.
On July 24th, Medicare for All supporters from Washington D.C. to Los Angeles to Portland are holding a national day of action for Medicare for All. Join us in Portland at Shemanski Park starting at noon. More details TBA soon!
Please let the OR Progressive Party know if you can join us, as we will be there with our banner, some flyers, voter registeration cards.
More information at the March of Medicare for All PDX website: http://medicareforallpdx.com/
Conference call about Medicare for All vs a public option - what's what?
Submitted by DavidDelk on Sun, 10/13/2019 - 23:56
Sanders' & Jayapal's Medicare for All, a public option - what's what? Learn the difference & increase the effectivness of your advocacy!
Monday, October 14, 5:00-6:30 zoom (internet) meeting
Are you interested in learning more about Sen. Bernie Sanders' and Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s Medicare for All bills? Are you interested in learning why single payer advocates do not think that a public option is a step towards an equitable, affordable, universal system?
This month's HCAO-Action National Strategy Committee meeting will be a Zoom meeting with slides, instead of our regular conference call. All are welcome. Committee chair Debby Schwartz and Dr. Mike Huntington will provide a presentation and lead the discussion. This is a great way to achieve greater understanding of the Medicare for All bills and the pitfalls in the alternatives. This presentation will be useful in your single payer advocacy.
This Zoom call will take place Monday, October 14th, 5:00-630. We look forward to seeing you then.
You can register here. You can reply to this email to indicate interest without registering.
If you have any questions, contact Debby Schwartz at debbyschwartz@hcao-action. org
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Oregon Progressive Party Statement on Health Care
Submitted by info on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 03:25
Our health care system is broken. We pay more for health care than any other industrialized nation, but we cover the smallest percentage of people. Under the Affordable Care Act, many Americans remain without access to health care. For lack of health insurance, thousands of Americans die each year. For those who do have health insurance, large co-pays and deductibles send many into debt. And it's the taxpayer who picks up the tab for the subsidized plans. The Affordable Care Act is less than a band-aid. It is a giveaway to the insurance companies.
Imagine if health care were a human right. Imagine a health care system that puts people before profits. Imagine if everyone had access to health care. Imagine health care that doesn't push people into bankruptcy. Imagine doctors and patients making health care decisions, not insurance companies. Imagine health care including dental, optical, and mental health care for all.
The Oregon Progressive Party supports local and federal efforts to create universal access to health care. Everyone in, no one out. We need health care, not health insurance.
"Of all the forms of inequity, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane."
--Martin Luther King Jr., 1966
We support the efforts of these organizations:
Health Care For All Oregon - hcao.org
Mad As Hell Doctors - MadAsHellDoctors.com
Simgle Payer Action - SinglePayerAction.org
Healthcare Now! - healthcare-now.org
Physicians for a National Health Program - pnhp.org
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