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Sign initiative petition to end Oregon Gerrymanding
Submitted by DavidDelk on Sun, 05/31/2020 - 13:52
Oregon Progressive Party supports the People, Not Politicians Oregon coalition, promoting voter passage of Initiative Petition #57, which would replace the Oregon system of how the state draws political boundaries every 10 years following the US Census. The current system requires the state legislature to draw those boundaries, thereby putting those elected officials in charge of drawing their own district boundaries. And because only legislators do this work, only Democrats and Republicans are involved, leaving members of other political parties and non-affiliated voters unrepresented in the process. That is not how democracy should work.
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Oregon Secretary of State Blocks Campaign Finance Reform Initiative Petition
Submitted by info on Wed, 05/25/2016 - 17:08
In a stunning display of democracy suppression, this afternoon the Secretary of State of Oregon refused to issue a ballot title for Initiative Petition 77 for 2016, which would amend the Oregon Constitution to allow limits on political campaign contributions and expenditures and allow laws requiring disclosure of the true sources and amounts of such contributions or expenditures in the communications they fund.
The Secretary of State claims that the Initiative would constitute more than one "closely related" amendment to the Oregon Constitution.
"When a similar contention was made against Measure 46 (2006), the Oregon Supreme Court rejected it in Meyer v. Bradbury (2006)," noted attorney Dan Meek. "This decision now requires the chief petitioners of Initiative Petition engage in costly litigation to defend the right of the people to amend their own Constitution to achieve campaign finance reform."
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Oregon Progressive Party Launches Initiative to GET BIG MONEY OUT OF OREGON POLITICS
Submitted by DavidDelk on Thu, 12/24/2015 - 10:53
The Oregon Progressive Party has begun actively collecting signatures on a new statewide initiative petition (IP 77). This petition would:
allow Oregon to join the ranks of 46 other states with limits on money in the political process, and
- ensure that the actual sources of that money are disclosed to the public.
Oregon is the only state whose constitution has been interpreted to prohibit limits on contributions and expenditures to influence the outcome of elections, be they candidate elections or initiatives/referenda. As a result, Oregon elections are among the most expensive in the nation. The Oregonian reports that only New Jersey campaigns are more expensive on a per capita basis.
The chief petitioners are:
- Liz Trojan, State Council, Oregon Progressive Party
- Rob Harris, IPO Caucus, Independent Party of Oregon
- Seth Woolley, Member, Coordinating Committee, Pacific Green Party
We Need Your Help
We need to collect 1,000 valid Oregon voter signatures in order to get a ballot title for the initiative. You can help us with this effort. Please contact David e. Delk, Co-Chair of the Oregon Progressive Party, for instructions and petition sheets. David can be contacted at davidafd@ymail.com or 503.232.5495.
How the Petition Reads
It is a model of simplicity. It reads:
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Oregon, there is added an Article II, Section 25, of the Constitution of Oregon:
Oregon laws consistent with the freedom of speech guarantee of the United States Constitution may:
1. limit contributions and expenditures (including transfers of money or resources) to influence the outcome of any election; and
2. require disclosure of the true sources and amounts of such contributions or expenditures (a)to the public and (b) in the communications they fund.
Dan Meek Debates Top Two Primary Proposal on KATU
Submitted by info on Sun, 08/03/2014 - 18:27
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Governor Kitzhaber: Please Veto SB 154, Criminalizes the Initiative Process
Submitted by info on Wed, 07/10/2013 - 17:07
We ask Governor Kitzhaber to veto SB 154, the bill to criminalize the initiative process in Oregon.
SB 154 transforms any violation--however minor--of any election law or rule by an initiative, referendum, or recall campaign that pays circulators into the felony of false swearing under ORS 260.715(1) with penalties per violation of $125,000 and/or 5 years in prison.
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Political Corruption in Oregon and the Initiative Process w/ Dan Meek
Submitted by DavidDelk on Sun, 07/07/2013 - 23:00
Dan Meek is interviewed by Oregon Progressive Party member David Delk on the Alliance for Democracy's public access program, The Populist Dialogues (www.populistdialogues.org). Dan talks about changes to the initiative process to limit its use as well as how the system of political corruption by special big money interests in Oregon is misrepresented. He reviews current efforts in the Oregon legislature to further restrict the initiative process as well as changes to the law regarding nepotism. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GvRXgF7E1M
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Oregon House Passes SB 154 to Criminalize the Initiative Process
Submitted by info on Sat, 06/29/2013 - 00:33
The Oregon House of Representatives on June 28 by a vote of 35-23 (all 23 "no" votes were Republicans) adopted SB 154, the bill to criminalize the initiative process in Oregon.
The facts about this bill were presented in the email, below, to all House members.
On the floor today, proponents brandished an "opinion" issued by Legislative Counsel immediately before the floor session. The proponents did not read from the "opinion" and instead merely offered a vague summary of it. The "opinion" was not made available to us until 7 hours after the vote.
We will ask Governor Kitzhaber to veto this dangerous bill. SB 154 transforms any violation--however minor--of any election law or rule by an initiative, referendum, or recall campaign that pays circulators into the felony of false swearing under ORS 260.715(1) with penalties per violation of $125,000 and/or 5 years in prison.
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Nader Radio Ad for Wolfe
Submitted by info on Thu, 10/11/2012 - 16:45
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