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Serin Bussell endorsed for PCC Board Zone 4
Submitted by DavidDelk on Wed, 02/24/2021 - 03:14
Portland Community College Board - Zone 4
By unanimous vote of the Oregon Progressive Party state council, Serin Bussell has earned the endorsement of the OR Progressive Party for the Portland Community College Zone 4 Board position. Serin was endorsed because of her dedication to progressive values including values she will pursue on the Board - Free Tuition, Healthcare for All, and Housing and Food Security. Serin has been actively involved in social justice movements, serving as Board Chair of the Crag Law Center, and Chair of Portland’s Open and Accountable Elections Commission. Learn more about her candidacy at her website.
OR Progressive Party Nominations for Nov 2020 ballot
Submitted by DavidDelk on Thu, 07/09/2020 - 02:08
OR Progressive Party has nominated these candidates for the November 2020 ballot:
Office | Candidate |
US President/ Vice President |
Dario Hunter/ Dawn Nepture Adams |
US Senate | Ibrahim A. Taher |
US Representative Dist 3 | Alex DiBlasi |
OR State Treasurer | Chris Henry |
OR Secretary of State | Nathalie Paravicini |
Benton County Commissioner # 2 |
Michael Beilstein |
OR State Representative House District 19 |
Jackie Leung |
OR State Representative House District 23 |
Alex Polikoff |
Non-Partisan Races | |
Portland Mayor | Sarah Iannarone |
Metro Council-Dist 5 | Chris Smith |
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Progressive Party candidate/ballot measure recommendations
Submitted by DavidDelk on Mon, 10/22/2018 - 21:34
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BRASS TAX proposed by Progressive Party city council candidate
Submitted by DavidDelk on Mon, 04/23/2018 - 23:44
More Services/No cuts/Tax the Rich!
Julia DeGraw, Progressive Party endorsed candidate for Portland City council (Position 2, currently filled by Nick Fish) Julia DeGraw last week announced her BRASS TAX proposal in a press conference. The Basic Rights and Social Services Tax (BRASS Tax) will focus increased city level taxes at major corporattions and the city's wealthiest citizens, raising revenue to fund services without cuts to basic city services.
From Julia's press release:
The BRASS Tax is a revenue plan tied to funding for crucial social programs, including:
City-wide, tuition-free and universal Pre-K staffed by teachers paid and supported on par with Portland’s K-12 teachers.
Massive expansion of public emergency, transitional and affordable housing projects, built or purchased with bonds paid back through rents and BRASS Tax revenues.
Mental health and addiction programs to reduce suffering and replace a criminal justice-approach to health problems.
Full-time, family wage positions at Portland’s Parks and Recreation to end the excessive reliance on “temporary” workers.
In order to fund these programs, the BRASS Tax proposes the following changes to Portland’s tax structure:
Raise Portland’s business income taxes on the biggest companies, which are almost all global multinational corporations. This progressive tax would raise the threshold for exemption, while raising rates at the top.
Create a city income tax with rising rates on the top 10%, 5%, 2% and 1% of income-earners.
Enact a city-wide luxury tax on extravagant consumer goods and services—cars over $80,000, jewelry over $5,000, cosmetic surgery, moorage/slip fees for yacht owners, a special tax on corporate box reservations and season tickets at the Moda Center and Providence Park.
Improve upon the Novick CEO tax.
Explore a linkage fee similar to what Seattle has – it would be the price of doing business in Portland for big out-of-state developers and contractors.
View her press conference and get more details here.
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Oregon Progressive Party Candidates and Measures Do Well
Submitted by info on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 03:30
In the midst of the disaster of Trump triumph, our measures and candidates have done well.
A top priority was Multnomah County Measure 26-184, the campaign finance reform measure that passed by 89-11%. Chris Henry so far has 72,000 votes for State Treasurer (5% of the vote). His performance was needed for the Oregon Progressive Party to maintain its status as a recognized political party in Oregon for the next 4 years.
David Delk earned 7.3% of vote against Earl Blumenauer in Congressional District 3.
James Ofsink earned 14% in Oregon Senate District 21.
Sami Al-AbdRabhun earned 15% in Oregon House District 16.
Cynthia Hyatt earned 16% in Oregon House District 15.
Fergus McLean earned 10% in Oregon House District 7.
The above are all record high numbers for candidates of the Oregon Progressive Party.
We also cross-nominated some candidates who are affiliated with other parties.
Peter DeFazio (D) won easily in Congressional District 4.
Joe Rowe (PGP) earned 18% in Oregon House District 44.
Jill Stein (PGP) earned 2% for President.
Brad Avakian (D) earned 43% for Secretary of State but is 4 points behind Dennis Richardson (R) there.
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Party Announces Process for Nominating Candidates in 2012
Submitted by info on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 16:25
The deadline for Oregon minor parties to nominate and/or endorse candidates for the 2012 General Election is August 28, 2012.
The Oregon Progressive Party (OPP) shall conduct its monthly membership meetings on June 12, July 10, and August 14. At the July and August meetings, the Party may discuss candidates who are seeking the Party's nomination or endorsement and may recommend such nomination or endorsement of a candidate to the State Nominating Panel. The candidates to be discussed at any meeting are those who have completed the "Steps for Candidates" below at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
Steps for Candidates
1. Determine whether you meet the legal requirements to run for the office you seek. For example, to run for a seat in the Oregon Legislature, you must have been a resident of the district at least since January 1, 2012. You may ask questions about the legal requirements by submitting them to legal@progparty.org.
2. Complete the Candidate Questionnaire.
3. Commit to supporting the OPP platform.
4. Commit to complying with all laws pertaining to campaign finance reporting.
5. Attend the subsequent OPP monthly membership meeting and answer questions by OPP members.
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DeFazio Opponent Unable to Defend Own Writings on National TV
Submitted by info on Sat, 10/09/2010 - 04:27
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
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Walt Brown Debates at Eugene City Club
Submitted by info on Fri, 10/01/2010 - 20:06
Candidates For Oregon Treasurer Speak At City Club Of Eugene
October 1, 2010
By Angela Kellner, KLCC Radio
The 3 candidates running for Oregon Treasurer spoke at the City Club of Eugene Friday. Each was asked how they would approach the job. Walter Brown, with the Progressive Party, served in the Oregon Senate from 1975 to 1987. He's also a veteran and attorney.
Walter Brown: "The Treasurer's Office is on the front lines of what's happening on Wall Street and elsewhere. And it's a good thing for the Treasurer to be on top of the current economy which way it's going and why it's going there and see if we can invest more in Oregon."
The current Treasurer, Ted Wheeler, was appointed to the position earlier this year when Ben Westlund passed away. Wheeler is the former Chair of Multnomah County.
Ted Wheeler: "I want to help the Legislature find ways to actually improve our financial footing. For example, I'll be introducing legislation that will allow us to protect interest on the general fund and go into a rainy day fund. It doesn't cost taxpayers anything else and it doesn't take money out of existing programs."
State Representative Chris Telfer has been a certified public accountant for nearly 30 years and owns a CPA firm.
Chris Telfer: "The job of the Treasurer as the chief financial officer of the state is to provide financial strategies, planning and analyzation of trends and the current situations and moving forward. You know, as a CPA, that's exactly what we're trained to do."
The City Club of Eugene airs Monday night at 6:30 on KLCC. Note: The podcast, when ready, will be here: http://www.klcc.org/audio/cityclub2010_10_01.mp3
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Progressive Party Nominates Candidates for 2010
Submitted by info on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 05:28
The Progressive Party of Oregon has nominated the following candidates for the November 2010 general election:
Oregon State Treasurer: Walt Brown U.S. Senate: Rick Staggenborg U.S. Congress, 1st District: Chris Henry U.S. Congress, 3rd District: Michael Meo U.S. Congress, 4th District: Peter DeFazio U.S. Congress, 5th District: Chris Lugo
Progressive Party Nominates Candidates for 2010
Submitted by info on Thu, 08/26/2010 - 16:03
The Progressive Party of Oregon has nominated the following candidates for the November 2010 general election:
Oregon State Treasurer: Walt Brown U.S. Senate: Rick Staggenborg U.S. Congress, 1st District: Chris Henry U.S. Congress, 3rd District: Michael Meo U.S. Congress, 4th District: Peter DeFazio U.S. Congress, 5th District: Chris Lugo
A party can nominate candidates only in "partisan" races. It can endorse candidates in any race. The Progressive Party has endorsed:
Metro Council President: Bob Stacey
Suggest Candidates for Progressive Party Nominations
Submitted by info on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 01:05
Whether or not you are a Member of the Progressive Party, you can suggest candidates for the Progressive Party to nominate.
Just click on Comments below and make your suggestions.
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