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january 2011
January 2011
Submitted by info on Wed, 01/19/2011 - 04:49
As always, thanks to David Delk of Alliance for Democracy and Robin Bloombarden for preparing this calendar.
Multiple date series:
The Portland Plan - Inspiring Communities Series
What kind of city can we become? Let's talk about it.
Growing our economy. Educating our people. Greening the city. Creating more livable neighborhoods.
Offering all Portlanders a better quality of life. Come be part of the discussion as we hear from some of the world's best and brightest on urban issues.
All program run from 7 - 9 PM and are free to the public. Doors open at 6:30 PM
Series sponsored by City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, City Club of Portland, Portland State University and others.
Monday, January 10, Cynthia Girling and Ronald Kellett, University of British Columbia School of Architecture and Landscape Design speaking on Designing for Environment and Community at the Multnomah Arts Center Auditorium, 7688 SW Capital Hwy
Monday, January 17, Bob Weissbourd, RW Ventures, speaking on Economic Development at Mercy Corps Action Center Aceh Community Room, 28 SW 1st Ave.
Tuesday, January 4th, 5 - 7:30 PM, North Portland Library, 512 N Killingsworth
American Casino
Do you know someone in foreclosure? Do you have houses on your street in foreclosure?
If so, come see this free movie.
the movie will be followed by a brief discussion of the foreclosure crisis as it is affecting North Portland, and a presentation by Good Grief American, a grassroots non-profit organization dedicated to informing homeowners of the realities of the situation and what tools they have to deal with it.
Thursday, January 6, 7:30 PM, Powell's Books on Hawthorne
The Post Carbon Reader: Managing the 21st Century's Sustainability Crises
Climate change, peak oil, freshwater depletion, species extinction, and a host of economic and social problems challenge us now as never before. The Post Carbon Reader (Watershed Media), edited by Daniel Lerch, features articles by some of the world's most provocative thinkers, addressing the key drivers shaping this new century, from renewable energy and urban agriculture to social justice and systems resilience. This unprecedented collection takes a hard-nosed look at the interconnected threats of our global sustainability quandary — as well as the most promising responses.
Tuesday, January 11, 6:30 PM, Machinists Union Hall, 3645 SE 32nd Ave
Cross- Border Unity Against the Korea Free Trade Agreement
A Speaker's tour with the Korean Confederation of Trade Union's Kim Kyung-Ran
In early December, U.S. and Korean trade negotiators struck a deal that is expected to bring the Korea Free Trade Agreement to the floor of Congress in early 2011. This is the biggest free trade agreement since NAFTA, and is strongly opposed by the largest labor federations in each country.
The same provisions in the Korea FTA that encourage the off shoring of U.S. manufacturing jobs — such as special investor privileges, deregulatory requirements and substandard labor protections — also weaken labor’s hand in South Korea. Trade policies that increase corporate power at the expense of jobs, workers’ rights and democracy must be stopped.
Hear from Kim Kyung-Ran, Director of External Relations for the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, as she:
Busts the myth that job-killing trade deals that hurt ordinary Americans somehow benefit working people in other countries; and
Inspires us to action with photos and stories from some of South Korea’s largest and most dramatic mobilizations against the FTA to date
Kim’s stunning 35-minute slide presentation will be followed by short reports from local activists, updating you on the expected impact of the FTA in our region and how you can get involved in local efforts to stop it.
This event is part of a West Coast speaker’s tour taking place from January 10 – 15 with stops in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Eugene, Portland, Takoma and Seattle.
For more information, contact the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign at (503) 736-9777
Wednesday, January 12, 12:00 Noon, Outside Senator Wyden's office at 911 NE 11th Ave
Rally Against the Korea FTA
Oregon Can't Afford Another NAFTA-Style Trade Deal!
The largest free trade agreement since NAFTA is about to be introduced for a vote in Congress. This decidedly unfair trade deal would cost Oregon thousands of family-wage jobs, put the state’s land use and environmental laws in jeopardy and hand still more power to Wall Street. It’s not too late to stop this horrendous trade deal, but we need to act now! Join displaced workers, the unemployed and labor leaders from Oregon and South Korea in saying “NO WAY to the Korea FTA!” outside the office of U.S.Senator Ron Wyden — the Chair of the Senate Trade Subcommittee.
For more info, call the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign at (503) 736-9777. Learn more and take action online now at www.oregonfairtrade.org.
Thursday, Jan 13th, 6:30 PM, Hollywood Theater, 4122 NE Sandy
Big Mountains, Big Energy, an evening of new documentary films hosted by the Crag Law Center
Documentary films include "Deep Down", "Flathead Wild", and "The Electricity Fairy."
Join Us for a Night of Films Exploring Our Use of Coal and its Impact on Mountain Communities. The nation’s eyes are on the Pacific Northwest as coal companies are lining up to develop major coal export facilities along Oregon and Washington coasts
Guest panelists will be on hand to discuss the films, including Deep Down filmmaker Jen Gilomen and Columbia Riverkeeper director Brett VandenHeuvel.
Admission: $10.00 Win cool raffle prizes. all proceeds support Crag Law Center work to protect and sustain the Pacific Northwest's natural legacy.
VAN JONES: “Beyond Green Jobs: The Next American Economy” These lectures are FREE and open to the public. No tickets or reservations. The Eugene lecture will be followed by a book sale and signing.
Monday, January 24
7:30 pm, EMU Ballroom, UO campus, Eugene.
Watch live streaming video of this lecture on 1/24/2011 at http://media.uoregon.edu/channel/2011/01/05/van-jones-beyond-green-jobs-... begining at 7 p.m.
Tuesday, January 25
5:45 pm, White Stag Building, UO in Portland, 70 NW Couch St, Portland
Van Jones is a globally recognized, award-winning pioneer in human rights and the clean-energy economy. He is a co-founder of three successful non-profit organizations: the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Color of Change, and Green For All. He is the best-selling author of the definitive book on green jobs: The Green-Collar Economy and served as the green jobs advisor in the Obama White House in 2009. Van is currently a senior fellow at the Center For American Progress and is a senior policy advisor at Green For All.
He currently holds a joint appointment at Princeton University, as a distinguished visiting fellow in both the Center for African American Studies and in the Program in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. The Obama administration did not appreciate Van’s talents, unfortunately.
CREATING A CLEAN ENERGY ECONOMY. Our country is in the depths of an economic recession and ecological crisis. We need nine million new jobs in the United States. They must be jobs that can support families and jobs that do no harm to the environment. America needs her best minds generating smart and innovative ideas to create more jobs. Van Jones is one of those people.
As the founder of Green For All, the national organization working to get green jobs to disadvantaged communities, Van was the main advocate for the Green Jobs Act, which George W. Bush signed into law in 2007. The Act was the first piece of federal legislation to codify the term "green jobs." Under the Obama administration, it has resulted in $500 million for green job training nationally. No contact info, but see you there!
Tues. Jan. 25th-
National Day of Action: Defend free speech & the right to organize! Protest FBI and Grand Jury Repression! 5:30-6:30 pm, Federal Building,
1220 SE 3rd (Between Jefferson and Madison)
In December 2010, under the direction of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald the FBI delivered nine new subpoenas in Chicago to anti-war and Palestine solidarity activists. Patrick Fitzgerald’s office is ordering the nine to appear at a Grand Jury in Chicago January 25. In response we are calling for protests on Jan.25 across the country and around the world to show our solidarity. Hundreds of organizations and thousands of people will be protesting at Federal Buildings, FBI offices, and other appropriate places, showing solidarity with the nine newly subpoenaed activists, and with all the activists whose homes were raided by the FBI. Fitzgerald’s expanding web of repression already includes the fourteen subpoenaed when the FBI stormed into homes on September 24th, carting away phones, computers, notebooks, diaries, and children’s artwork. In October, all fourteen activists from Chicago, Minneapolis, and Michigan each decided to not participate in the secret proceedings of Fitzgerald’s Grand Jury. Each signed a letter invoking their Fifth Amendment rights. However, three women from Minneapolis Tracy Molm, Anh Pham, and Sarah Martin are facing re-activated subpoenas. They are standing strong and we are asking you to stand with them-and with newly subpoenaed nine activists-by protesting Patrick Fitzgerald and his use of the Grand Jury and FBI to repress anti-war and international solidarity activists. Contact: oregon.jericho@gmail.com
Tues. Jan 25th-
Standing up to Citizens United - a Community Forum, First Unitarian Church, Elliot Chapel, SW 12th and Salmon, 7 -9 PM, FREE.
One year ago, the US Supreme Court ruled that unlimited amounts of money form corporate coffers could be directly used in elections with almost no disclosure of its sources. In the 2010 elections, corporate funds poured into congressional races, enabling the Republicans to purchase a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. Democracy is government of, by, and for the people. Now the US Supreme Court has given us government of, by, and for corporations. What does this mean for democracy and what can we do about it?Dan Meek, Public Interest Attorney, campaign finance reform advocate, and Barbara Dudley, former Executive Director of the National Lawyers Guild and head of the Oregon Working Families Party, will speak. Sponsored by Alliance for Democracy, Co-sponsored by the Economic Justice Action Group of the 1st Unitarian Church, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Independent Party of Oregon, Progressive Party of Oregon, Oregon Working Families Party. More info at 503-548-2797 or info@progparty.org
Saturday, January 29, 2011, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM , First Unitarian Church, SW 12th and Main, Portland
Single Payer Health Care, Should Oregon Go First?
There is a moving movement for Single Payer Health Care here in Oregon, and around the country. An Oregon single payer bill will be introduced in the 2011 Oregon legislature.. All are invited to come find out more, and learn how to get more involved.
National and local speakers, including
- Congressman John Conyers, sponsor of HR676
- Dr. Margaret Flowers, Congressional Fellow, Physicians for a National Health Program
- Katie Robbins, Healthcare-NOW! the national single payer advocacy group
- Mark Dudzic, Labor Campaign for Single Payer national organizer
Sessions addressing single payer basics, health inequities, student organizing, the labor movement, nurses and physicians, building an Oregon network of single payer activists, and more.
Learn about the new single payer legislation which will be introduced into the Oregon state legislature when the new session starts in February.
For more information or to register phone 503.262.4970 or email SinglePayOregon@gmail.com
Jobs with Justice, 6025 E. Burnside Portland OR 97215
Registration fee: $20 but no one turned away for inability to pay
Co-sponsored by the Alliance for Democracy
Tuesday, Feb 1, 5:30 - 8 PM, New Song Community Church, 2511 NE MLK Blvd.
Oregon State Bank Teach In
Today Oregon deposits billions of our tax dollars into the very same Wall Street banks that crashed our economy.
Instead, we could put that money to work right here to create jobs with a new public bank for Oregon. The state bank would partner with community banks to make credit available to small businesses and farmers.
It’s a bank controlled by we the people--not the Wall Street fat cats.
Visit their website at Oregonians for a State Bank
5:30 - 6:00 PM - reception
6 - 8 PM - Community forum
Co-sponsored by the Alliance for Democracy
Thursday, Feb 10, 7 -9 PM, First Unitarian Church, SW 12th and Salmon
Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America.
Author: Robert Whitaker
Robert Whitaker, award winning author of Mad in America, discusses a medical mystery in his latest book: Why has the number of Americans considered "disabled mentally ill" tripled over the past two decades?
Whitaker is one of the first journalists to expose the long-term effects of psychiatric medications. His findings are astonishing and controversial.
More info: Marcia Meyers, 503.665.3957, marciameyers@yahoo.com
Sponsored by the Economic Justice Action Group of the First Unitarian Church