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Party Announces Process for Nominating Candidates in 2012
Submitted by info on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 16:25
The deadline for Oregon minor parties to nominate and/or endorse candidates for the 2012 General Election is August 28, 2012.
The Oregon Progressive Party (OPP) shall conduct its monthly membership meetings on June 12, July 10, and August 14. At the July and August meetings, the Party may discuss candidates who are seeking the Party's nomination or endorsement and may recommend such nomination or endorsement of a candidate to the State Nominating Panel. The candidates to be discussed at any meeting are those who have completed the "Steps for Candidates" below at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
Steps for Candidates
1. Determine whether you meet the legal requirements to run for the office you seek. For example, to run for a seat in the Oregon Legislature, you must have been a resident of the district at least since January 1, 2012. You may ask questions about the legal requirements by submitting them to legal@progparty.org.
2. Complete the Candidate Questionnaire.
3. Commit to supporting the OPP platform.
4. Commit to complying with all laws pertaining to campaign finance reporting.
5. Attend the subsequent OPP monthly membership meeting and answer questions by OPP members.
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Should OPP Nominate Rocky Anderson for President 2012?
Submitted by info on Sun, 04/01/2012 - 23:24
The State Nominating Panel of the Oregon Progressive Party seeks feedback from party members on the prospect of nominating Rocky Anderson to run as our candidate for President of the United States in the November 2012 election.
Rocky Anderson is actively seeking our nomination. His positions on issues closely match those of the Oregon Progressive Party. Ralph Nader favors his candidacy over all others. If nominated by the Oregon Progressive Party, he has promised to campaign actively in Oregon.
Here is his impressive biography: http://www.voterocky.org/meet_rocky. Perhaps most impressive is his election and reelection as the notably progressive Mayor of Salt Lake City in a state that has voted all Republican in federal elections for decades and voted for a non-Republican for President only once in the past 60 years (Lyndon Johnson in 1964).
Here is his Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky_Anderson
Here are some videos of his recent appearances: http://www.voterocky.org/television
If you are a member of the Oregon Progressive Party, you can provide feedback by sending email to info@progparty.org (with Rocky in the subject) or by posting comments on this item.