Oregon Governor Money Race

One way to track the viability of a campaign is to track how much money is being raised.

So without further adieu, here are the cash balances of the campaigns as of March 12, 2010:

Dudley     $ 516,277
Kitzhaber  $ 333,000
Bradbury   $ 109,196
Alley      $  35,970

Note that these are cash balances only and do not reflect the debt of each campaign. For example, the Alley campaign owes about $220,000 to the candidate's wife.

The Oregon Attorney General is not enforcing any of the limits on campaign contributions enacted by the voters as Measure 47 (2006), so a labor union, corporation, or wealthy individual can wipe out any advantage with a single large contribution. Contributions of $100,000 by individuals and $300,000 or more from OEA and SEIU would not be out of the ordinary in an Oregon Governor's race. In 2006, the Republican Governor's Association spent more than $4 million for the Republican candidate for Governor in Oregon.