Don't Waste Your 2017 Oregon Political Tax Credit on the Oregon Progressive Party!

Don't Waste Your 2017 Oregon Political Tax Credit on the Oregon Progressive Party!

Yes, contributing $50 per person costs you nothing,*
but why help them tear down America?

The Oregon Progressive Party is BAD! They came up with Multnomah County Measure 26-184, the toughest campaign finance reform measure on any ballot in America in 2016, and fooled 89% of voters into voting YES on it--even though it was opposed by great patriotic groups funded by the Koch brothers and big corporations.

Oregon Progressive Party leaders are now working to spread this "real campaign finance reform" to other cities and counties and the whole State of Oregon. Don't let voters spoil our rigged system!

Progressive Party leaders are now planning to spread this "real campaign finance reform" to other cities and counties and the whole State of Oregon. They need to be stopped now.

Don't Contribute to the Oregon Progressive Party.
Save that money for something you will need, like your next prescription.
Below (in blue) is some text from the Oregon Progressive Party email asking for money.
It shows they are losers!
Oregon does not need new voices or new choices.

Don't Donate here before January 1, 2018

The stupid Oregon Progressive Party is working hard to:

  • Enact real campaign finance reform in Oregon
  • Limit political campaign contributions; ban those by corporations
  • Require all political ads to identify their top 5 donors
  • End the Electoral College; elect Presidents by popular vote
  • Enact Medicare for All (single-payer)
  • Increase minimum wages (to $15 or more, now, for everyone)
  • End needless police violence and unequal treatment
  • Effectively control use of drones
  • End "corporate personhood" and "money is speech"
  • Oppose Wall Street bailouts
  • Achieve employment for all (WPA style)
  • End the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • Avoid entanglement in Syria
  • Cut military spending and foreign bases
  • Oppose Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), NAFTA, WTO, fast-track trade deals
  • Oppose Pacific Northwest export terminals for fossil fuels and the trains that bring them (coal, oil, LNG)
  • Stop cutting federal and Oregon taxes on corporations and the wealthy
  • Create State Bank and stop sending $1 billion of Oregon taxpayer money to Wall Street every year in fees and excessive interest rates
  • Oregon taxpayers get a $50 per person credit on their state income taxes, as long as their income is not more than $100,000 per person ($200,000 per couple).

Stop the Oregon Progressive Party | 411 S.W. 2nd Avenue | Suite 200 | Portland | Oregon 97204 | 503-548-2797 | |