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Democrats Vote to Increase Military Spending to Record High

Update December 14: Today the U.S. Senate passed this bill by 86-13.  The Democrats voted in favor of it by 42-7.  Thanks, Democrats, for wasting money on military adventurism.

169 Democrats (out of 222) just voted with Republicans to increase military spending to $768 billion per year. That’s more than Trump’s last defense budget. Last year, Trump crowed about his massive $738 billion for the U.S. military. Now, Democrats want $768 billion for the military.

More tha 3/4 of the Democrats in the U.S. House voted with Republicans to throw billions more at defense contractors, weapons, and war. The Democratic establishment has learned nothing from decades of trillion dollar wars and disinvestment in housing, education, and the social safety net.

The Senate is expected to rubber stamp this bill and send it to the White House for signature.

Senate to vote on Nat War Budget after 11-29-21


The US Senate is set to vote for the National Defense Authorization Act of 2022 on Thursday. This is likely the most important action we each can take today:
Call Sen. Merkley and Wyden and tell them to join Bernie Sanders in voting No to the National Defense Authorization bill due for a vote in the Senate on Thursday.
They have both voted No before and they need to do it again. The budget proposed by Pres. Biden was an INCREASE over 1.4% billion over the last Trump war budget. And then the House and Senate Armed Services committee approved an additional $25B to the Biden war budget.
Sen Wyden is a 503-326-7525;
Sen Merkley is at 503.326.3386.

Tell them to vote no, but to approve any amendments which would decrease the budget. Sen. Bernie Sanders has proposed such an amendment. And he as said that he will vote no.

Please call every day.


OPP NOV 2021 newsletter now available

The Oregon Progressive Party Nov 2021 newsletter is now available at https://conta.cc/30irY3h  Read the OPP War and Peace Report, learn about the Portland Tenents Union efforts for a City of Portland ordirance to end landload haressment of tenants, why OPP signed onto a letter written by Veterans for Peace to the Portland City Council and more.

NDAA War bill approved overwhelmingly by US House

Votes on HR4350 – National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) For Fiscal 2022 and certain amendments.

Link to Govtrack.us for this bill: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr4350

HR4350 is the first of two bills to enact the national war budget. The second bill will be the National Defense Appropriations Bill, later this year.

HR4350 was overwhelmingly enacted in the US House - 316 yes/113 no. The no vote was 38 Democrats and 75 Republicans. The yes vote was 181 Democrats; 135 Republicans. So this is a bipartisan win for war which would not have been enacted except for the strong Yes vote by the Democrats. In addition to the vote on the bill, there were lots of amendments offered, some of which got votes as well. This bill now moves to the US Senate for a vote. If they approve the bill with changes, a Joint Committee will be formed to work out the differences, with another vote required in both Senate and House to approve the compromise bill. Otherwise, it will go to the President for his signature. Below is the voting summary on certain amendments and the major bill by Oregon US Representatives.

Vote on HR 4350

National Defense Authorization bill vote due this week

The House of Representative is scheduled to vote on HB4350, National Defense Authorization Act, during the week of 9-20-21. Phone calls to all Oregon Representative are called for with a message of Vote No on HB4350.

Note that ahead of this vote, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has introduced 7 amendments to this bill. One of the amendment would end the transfer of surplus military weaponry and equipment to police departments throughout the US. Other amendments deal with Colombia, Saudi Aradia, and arms sales to Israel. Read about this and the other amendment in this press release by Rep. AOC. We don't know who might be supporting or co-sponsoring these amendments but I would hope that Reps. Blumenauer, Bonamici and Defazio would.

How about calling them and asking them to support these amendments? Tell them that they should vote Yes on each of AOC's amendments and vote no on HB4350, even if all of AOC's amendments are adopted. HB4350 as originally proposed by Pres. Biden ($753 Billion) was already larger than Pres. Trump's last defense budget and then that was increased by $25 billion by the House Armed Services Committee. It is time for a peace dividend; time to move from war funding to peace funding and filling the needs of the American people.

Finding Contact information
Find phone number and other contact info for our OR Representatives here.   If you live in Washington, find them here.

OPP files Amicus Brief to support the initiative process

If a voter as been classified as inactive by election authorities, should that person lose their ability to sign an initiative petition? That is the heart of a OR Supreme Court case now being argued.

The OR Secretary of State has said, “Yes, you should.” But her decision has been challenged in a case now before the OR Supreme Court.

Dan Meek, legal council for the OR Progressive Party, will argue on the Party’s behalf that the right of an inactive voter to sign petitions is retained by the voter and the signature should be counted, noting that prior decisions in Maryland and New York, both with similar constitutional language to Oregon’s, have found that inactive voters do not lose their right to sign just because they have been labeled inactive. As long as they meet the qualifications to be a registered voter, their signatures should be counted.

This is of interest to us at OPP because we have been active users of the initiative process. Mr Meek has pointed out that there are about 500,000 Inactive voters in Oregon and that in every signature drive, 3-5$ of all signatures are disqualified because the signers are labeled Inactive.

Rally/March for Peace and Justice 9-10-21 in Portland

Oregon Progressive Party has endorsed a rally organized by Peace & Justice Work marking the 20th anniversary of the beginning of America's endless wars.

9/11: Twenty Years of War, Stoking Fear, Erasing Rights and Misdirected Funding
Expanded Friday Rally/March for Peace and Justice

Please mask up and stay distanced for safety

Location:  Pioneer Courthouse Sq, SW Yamhill & Broadway, Portland
Date/time:  Friday, September 10-2021, 4:30 - 6 PM

Join with Code Pink supporting Rep. Lee call for $350 bilion Pentagon budget cut

Support Rep. Lee legislation to cut Pentagon budget $350 billion.

Code Pink action is call for US Representatives to support Rep. Barbara Lee's legislation to cut US Defense Dept budget by $350 billion. https://www.codepink.org/leepentagon21 Note that at this point no OR Rep is co-sponsoring this legislation. We need to ask Sen. Merkley and Wyden to introduce this into the Senate as well.

Rep. Lee's bill here.https://www.codepink.org/leepentagon21 Note that at this point no OR Rep is co-sponsoring this legislation. We need to ask Sen. Merkley and Wyden to introduce this into the Senate as well. Rep. Lee's bill here. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/476/text?q... "> The bill number is HR 476.

Find contact info for members of Congress here:  https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member

National Securites Power Act (S2391) needs support

Win without War notifies us that Senators Lee, Sanders and Murphy have introduced a bill into Congress to reassert the constitutional balance between the Congress and the Executive Branch in the exercise of the war power, an unbalance which currently favors the executive branch in pushing the nation toward war. The bill is the National Securities Power Act, S2391, text here.

Win without War also has a petition addressed to our OR Senators asking that they co-sponsor this bill in the Senate. Sign the petition here.

Let's Tax the Rich, Bezos

David Delk, Chair of the OR Progressive Party, submitted this letter to the editor July 22, 2021

After returning from his self-indulgent space joyride, Jeff Bezos said, “Every astronaut who’s been up into space, they say that it changes them.” He added that his joyride was thanks to the efforts of Amazon customers and employees, “You guys paid for all of this.”

In 2007 and 2011, Bezos, the world richest man (worth $177 billion) paid no federal income tax while the median American household earned $70,000 and paid 14% ($9800).

Perhaps his changed mindset will include a desire to pay his taxes.