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OR Progressive Party endorses Chris Smith, Metro Council Position #5

The state Council of the Oregon Progressive Party has endorsed Chris Smith in his race to Metro Council Position #5. While the limits on campaign contributions enacted by both the voters of Portland and Multnomah County do not apply to Metro races, he has of his own accord decided not to accept any donations over $500. That is as opposed to his opponent, who is accepted contributions over $1000. He supports the creation of municipal public banks, and municipal public broadband fiber optics networks.  He has worked as an advocate for public transit systems, including the Portland City Car system and has been active in the opposition to the widening of the I-5 freeway in the Rose Quarter area. We recommend that Chris be elevated to Position 5 on the Metro Council.
Learn more about Chris on his website.

OR Progressive Party endorses Dan Ryan for Portland City Council position #2

The Oregon Progressive Party has endorsed Dan Ryan in his race with Lorette Smith for Portland City Council #2, which became empty with the death of City Commissioner Nick Fish.  Learn more about Dan on his website here

OR Progressive Party Nominations for Nov 2020 ballot

OR Progressive Party has nominated these candidates for the November 2020 ballot:

Office Candidate
US President/
Vice President
Dario Hunter/
Dawn Nepture Adams
US Senate Ibrahim A. Taher
US Representative Dist 3 Alex DiBlasi
OR State Treasurer Chris Henry
OR Secretary of State Nathalie Paravicini
Benton County
Commissioner # 2
Michael Beilstein
OR State Representative
House District 19
Jackie Leung
OR State Representative
House District 23
Alex Polikoff
Non-Partisan Races
Portland Mayor Sarah Iannarone
Metro Council-Dist 5 Chris Smith 

Sign initiative petition to end Oregon Gerrymanding

Oregon Progressive Party supports the People, Not Politicians Oregon coalition, promoting voter passage of Initiative Petition #57, which would replace the Oregon system of how the state draws political boundaries every 10 years following the US Census. The current system requires the state legislature to draw those boundaries, thereby putting those elected officials in charge of drawing their own district boundaries. And because only legislators do this work, only Democrats and Republicans are involved, leaving members of other political parties and non-affiliated voters unrepresented in the process. That is not how democracy should work.

Endorsements in May 2020 Primary Election

Candidate Office

Party Primary or

Endorsements 2020 May Primary
Julia DeGraw Portland City Council #2 Non-Partisian  
Seth Woolley Portland City Council #4 Non-Partisian  
Chloe Eudaly Portland City Council #4 Non-Partisian  
Timothy Dubois Portland City Council #1 Non-Partisian  
Candace Avalos Portland City Council #1 Non-Partisian  
Sarah Iannorone Portland Mayor Non-Partisian  
Ryan Moore Eugene City Council # 8 Non-Partisian  
Cameron Whitten Metro Council #5 Non-Partisian  
Leigha LaFleur Metro Council #6 Non-Partisian  
Albert Lee U.S. House #3 Democratic  
Nik Heuertz U.S. House #2 Democratic  
Mark Gamba U.S. House #5 Democratic  
Amanda Siebe U.S. House #1 Democratic  
Chris Henry State Treasurer Independent  
Bernie Sanders U.S. President Democratic  

Complaint Filed Against Campaign of Lori Stegmann for Multnomah County Commission for Violations of Campaign Contribution Limits

December 19, 2019

Portland resident Ronald Buel today filed a formal complaint with the Multnomah County Director of Elections against the campaign of Lori Stegmann for County Commissioner (District 4).

The complaint details $9,152 in contributions received by the Lori Stegmann campaign, which the complaint identifies as exceeding the limits placed into the Multnomah County Charter by Measure 26-184. For violations of that magnitude, the maximum penalty provided by Measure 26-184 would be approximately $183,000.

In November 2016, Measure 26-184 was adopted citywide with a 89% "yes" vote.  It was placed on the ballot by the Multnomah County Charter Review Committee, at the urging of Honest Elections Multnomah County, Portland Forward, and other organizations.

The complaint charges that Lori Stegmann's campaign has accepted 11 donations from corporations and other business entities.  Measure 26-184 prohibits such contributions.  The complaint also lists 5 contributions from individuals that exceed the limit of $500 per individual and one contribution from a political committee that exceeds the applicable $500 limit.

No court has enjoined Measure 26-184, which has been in effect since September 1, 2017.

Mr. Buel's complaint requests that the Director of Elections apply the penalties against the Lori Stegmann campaign specified in the County Charter of "not less than two nor more than 20 times" any unlawful contribution.

The complaint is available here:
http://bit.ly/he-mult. Click on the "enforcement" folder.

For more information:

Ronald Buel ronbuel77@gmail.com 503-358-8677
Jason Kafoury jkafoury7@gmail.com 202-465-2764

Call Sen Merkely/Wyden - vote No on 2020 National Defense Authorization Act

The Senate is scheduled to vote on the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, following its approval by the House a couple days ago.

We need to call Sen Merkley and Sen Wyden office and urge that they vote NO. The House bill originally included amendments which would have put some brakes on endless war, the American assisted Saudi War on Yemen, required preauthorization of war against Iran, Venezuela and more. All those provisions got stripped out of the Conference bill which is now being voted in the Senate. Additionally, this budget increases the war budget over all prior budgets, calling for spending $738 billion. "Defense" budget should be decreased by 10% per year, not increased.

Please call Sen Merkley and Sen Wyden, called for them to vote NO!

This script has been provided by Win Without War.:

I'm a constituent from Oregon and I'm calling to urge the Senator to vote NO on the fiscal year 2020 NDAA, on the floor tomorrow. The Senate cannot authorize $738 billion in Pentagon funding with almost nothing to constrain the Trump administration’s erratic and reckless foreign policy! This year can no longer be business as usual.

Thank you!
And here are phone numbers for the two Senators
Sen. Ron Wyden (202) 224-5244
Sen. Jeff Merkley (202) 224-3753

Conference call about Medicare for All vs a public option - what's what?

Sanders' & Jayapal's Medicare for All, a public option - what's what? Learn the difference & increase the effectivness of your advocacy!

Monday, October 14, 5:00-6:30 zoom (internet) meeting

Are you interested in learning more about Sen. Bernie Sanders' and Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s Medicare for All bills? Are you interested in learning why single payer advocates do not think that a public option is a step towards an equitable, affordable, universal system?

This month's HCAO-Action National Strategy Committee meeting will be a Zoom meeting with slides, instead of our regular conference call. All are welcome. Committee chair Debby Schwartz and Dr. Mike Huntington will provide a presentation and lead the discussion. This is a great way to achieve greater understanding of the Medicare for All bills and the pitfalls in the alternatives. This presentation will be useful in your single payer advocacy.

This Zoom call will take place Monday, October 14th, 5:00-630. We look forward to seeing you then.

You can register here. You can reply to this email to indicate interest without registering.

If you have any questions, contact Debby Schwartz at debbyschwartz@hcao-action. org

Politicians are Immune to Money

No US War in Iran or Venezuela


"No U.S. War in Iran or Venezuela: Sanctions Kill People Too!"

*Sunday, July 28, 2019*
1:00 PM
Waterfront Park / Salmon