
Oregon Secretary of State Blocks Campaign Finance Reform Initiative Petition

In a stunning display of democracy suppression, this afternoon the Secretary of State of Oregon refused to issue a ballot title for Initiative Petition 77 for 2016, which would amend the Oregon Constitution to allow limits on political campaign contributions and expenditures and allow laws requiring disclosure of the true sources and amounts of such contributions or expenditures in the communications they fund.

The Secretary of State claims that the Initiative would constitute more than one "closely related" amendment to the Oregon Constitution. 

"When a similar contention was made against Measure 46 (2006), the Oregon Supreme Court rejected it in Meyer v. Bradbury (2006)," noted attorney Dan Meek.  "This decision now requires the chief petitioners of Initiative Petition engage in costly litigation to defend the right of the people to amend their own Constitution to achieve campaign finance reform."

Sign Petition ref: PDX Resolution on Corporate Personhood

Mayor Sam Adams will present to the city council a resolution dealing with corporte personhood and making clear that money is not speech. While the resolution is pretty good, changes need to be made to it to remove the references to the constitutional amendments which have been proposed by Sen. Merkley as well as Rep. Schrader.

Please sign the petition addressed to Mayor Adams and the Commissioners at

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