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Dan Meek on Populist Dialogs

March 2011

Multiple date series:

Illahee Lecture Series

March 14 — Consultant extraordinaire Alan AtKisson will discuss how governments, businesses and nonprofits can push the accelerator on innovation for sustainability.
March 30 — Molecular biologist Richard Jefferson will talk new tech, tools and thought to bring efficiency and equity to life-sciences-enabled innovation.
April 16 — Food guru and author Michael Pollan will explore his “Food Rules” and lay out lessons we can all take the supermarket, farmer’s market and stock market.
May 11 — Founding editor and On The Commons fellow David Bollier will take us on a tour of the commons as a new paradigm of economics, politics and culture.
Aug. 31 — The first female winner of the Nobel prize for Economics, Elinor Ostrom will discuss her work on how people interact with economic and political systems to cultivate the Commons.
Wednesday March 2nd, 6:30 - 9 p.m., Hosford Middle School, 2303 SE 28th Place

The Portland Plan Community Forums

Portlanders have an opportunity to shape the City's strategies for the future at the upcoming Portland Plan Fairs, starting on March 2. Developed with the community, the strategies include actions that address residents' key concerns:

* Equity
* Education
* Economic Prosperity & Affordability
* Healthy Connected Neighborhood

The fairs are designed to offer residents a range of experiences and opportunities to learn about and comment on the strategies. In addition to breakout discussions for each strategy, the fairs will feature booths, presentations, local food and community exhibitors. Free childcare will be provided at all locations.

The Portland Plan will be a 25-year strategic plan for the City, and the direction it sets will touch every neighborhood, district and resident of Portland as it grows. The plan will help to define priorities, guide investment of public dollars and set the course for Portland for the next quarter of a century. For more information please go to: www.pdxplan.com

Additional meetings dates, time and locations

Sunday, March 6, 12:30 - 3 p.m. Oregon Zoo, 4001 SW Canyon Road
Thursday, March 10, 6:30 - 9 p.m., De La Salle North Catholic High School, 7528 N Fenwick Avenue
Saturday, March 12, 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO), 10301 NE Glisan Street
March 4 - 10th, 7 PM plus weekend matinees at 5pm, The Hollywood Theater, 4122 NE Sandy Blvd

Bag It! Is your life too plastic?

“Documentary is a Powerful Look at the Impacts of Plastics on Society”

Our story follows Jeb Berrier, an average American guy who is admittedly not a “tree hugger,” who makes a pledge to stop using plastic bags. This simple action gets Jeb thinking about all kinds of plastic as he embarks
on a global tour to unravel the complexities of our plastic world. When Jeb’s journey takes a personal twist, we see how our crazy-for-plastic world has finally caught up to us and what we can do about it. Today. Right now.

BAG IT is a film that examines our society’s use and abuse of plastic. The film focuses on plastic as it relates to our society’s throwaway mentality, our culture of convenience, our over consumption of unnecessary, disposable productsand packaging—things that we use one time and then, without another thought, throw them away. Where is AWAY?

Away is over flowing landfills, clogged rivers, islands of trash in our oceans, and even our very own toxic bodies. Jeb travels the globe on a fact-finding mission—not realizing that after his simple resolution, plastic will never look the same again!

“Think about it—why would you make something that you’re going to use for a few minutes out of a material
that’s basically going to last forever, and you’re just going to throw it away? What’s up with that?”
—Jeb Berrier

The grand premiere, on Friday March 4th, Oregon state Senators Hass and Cannon will be present for Q&A. Also present will be Junk-to-funk fashion, and live music. There will also be a raffle!

More info: http://oregon.surfrider.org/portland/
Saturday, March 5, 7 - 9 PM, 1st Unitarian Church, SW 12 and Salmon

Campaign Cash Controversy, a look at the Supreme Court Decision Citizens United v Federal Election Commission, a talk with David Cobb

Since the January 21, 2010 Supreme Court decision giving corporations free speech rights to spend money with almost no limit on political campaigns, David Cobb has been the cheif spokesperson for amending the US Constitution to eliminate corporate personhood. Come hear him talk about the decision and what our response must be.

Sponsored by Alliance for Democracy, Economic Justice Action Group of the 1st Unitarian Church and the Portland Green Party. Printable flier here.
Sunday, March 6th, 4 - 6 PM,, Mittleman Jewish Community Center, 6651 SW Capitol Highway

Protest! The Annual Oregon AIPAC Event

Please join Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights (AUPHR) and other groups for our annual protest of the Oregon American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) community dinner.

AIPAC is the largest and most powerful hard-line pro-Israel lobby organization in the United States and serves to tie U.S. and Oregon politicians closer to Israel's right wing policies of occupation, settlement expansion, and apartheid. Many local, state and federal politicians from across Oregon attend this event, which typically lays out AIPAC's political strategy for the coming year and serves to garner support and build community for AIPAC and Israel while ignoring injustice

In part because of AIPAC, U.S. politicians are unwilling to take a courageous stand against Israel's policies and unwilling to hold Israel accountable for virtually any human rights violations. It is time for citizens to stand up and say "No to AIPAC, no to apartheid, and no to our politicians' complicity with Israeli human rights violations!"

AUPHR is providing many signs that say "Stop Funding Israeli Occupation and Apartheid" and ask that protesters dress in black attire. Help us send a unified message!
Wednesday, March 9th, 6:30 - 8:30 PM, PNCA Main Campus, Swigert Commons, 1241 NW Johnson St.

Edelman Lecture: Derrick Jensen

Derrick Jensen is the acclaimed author of fifteen books, including A Language Older Than Words, The Culture of Make Believe, and Endgame. Author, teacher, activist, small farmer and leading voice of uncompromising dissent, he has been hailed as the philosopher poet of the environmental movement.

His premise is as profound as it is persistent: industrial civilization is inherently unsustainable. It will always require violence to biotic and human communities. And it will create a culture where trauma is normalized, where living beings become objects, and where the only relationship left is one of domination.

PNCA is the Pacific NW College of Art
Wednesday, March 9, 11 am to 2 PM, Oregon State Capital in Salem

Go Solar Oregon rally

Open to all solar advocates, organizations, interested citizens, solar customers, solar professionals, etc. We need your support! Come join us and help us show the State Legislature that Oregonians want clean solar energy. You will have a chance to share your story and promote Oregon's solar industry.
Thursday, March 10th, Portland City Hall

Portland Says NO to the JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force)

Join other Portlanders to say No to the Portland participation in the Joint Terrorism Task Force. Portland withdrew from the JTTF in 2006 because of concerns that our officiers might be used to spy on Portland citizens as they gather to engage in legal, non-violent protest. We should not rejoin.

On March 10th the Portland City Council will be voting on whether or not the City of Portland should re-enter the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). We strongly oppose the JTTF because we value our civil rights and we need Portland Police officers to be held accountable to Oregon State Law. We don't want roving wiretaps, secret access and domestic spying on non-violent activists & community groups.

We said NO in 2005 and we say NO now.

Rally at 12:30; speakers at 1 PM. Council hearing and vote scheduled for 2 PM. Public testimony will be taken.

CO-SPONSORS: Oregon Progressive Party, Oregon Jericho, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, NW Student Coalition, Portland Central American Solidarity Committee, the Portland Coalition Opposing Political Repression, Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights, International Socialist Organization, Freedom Socialist Party, Portland Animal Defense League, Right 2 Survive, Portland Rising Tide
Friday, March 11, time details below. Oregon State Capital Bldg, Salem

Rally for Single Payer Health Care/Legislative Action Day to support HB3510

LOBBY your state representatives.

Meet for training at 9 am, MICAH Hall, First Methodist Church, 680 State St. (one block from Capitol)

RALLY at noon on the Capitol steps.

HEARING House Health Care Committee takes testimony on the bill, 3 pm

Everybody In, Nobody Out-- Let Your Voice Be Heard!
More information at www.singlepayeroregon.org or (503) 262-4970. Print a flyer. Details of the bill here.
Saturday, March 12, 12:30 - 3 PM, 1st Unitarian Church, SW 12th and Salmon

Pray the Devil Back to Hell (documentary)

Pray the Devil Back to Hell is the extraordinary story of a small band of Liberian women who came together in the midst of a bloody civil war, took on the violent warlords and corrupt Charles Taylor regime, and won a long-awaited peace for their shattered country in 2003.

As the rebel noose tightened upon Monrovia, and peace talks faced collapse, the women of Liberia – Christian and Muslims united - formed a thin but unshakable white line between the opposing forces, and successfully demanded an end to the fighting– armed only with white T-shirts and the courage of their convictions.

The women of Liberia are living proof that moral courage and non-violent resistance can succeed, even where the best efforts of traditional diplomacy have failed.
Saturday, March 19 ,1:00 PM, Pioneer Courthouse Square, SW 6th and Yamhill

Eight Years in Iraq - Nine Years in Afghanistan: How is the War Economy Working for You?
Anti-War Rally & March

End the Wars and Occupations - Bring All the Troops Home Now
Fund Jobs, Health Care and Human Needs, Not the War Machine
Stand for Civil Liberties at Home and Abroad
Take Action!

Rally at 1 PM
March at 1:30 PM

Preliminary cosponsors and endorsers include Alliance for Democracy, Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Groupo, Peace Action Committee Unitarian Church, Economic Justice Action Group-First Unitarian Church, Veterans for Peace Chapter 72, Iraq Veterans Against the War-Oregon, Portland Peaceful Response Coalition, Portland Jobs with Justice, Freedom Socialist Party, Metanoia Peace community, Portland Labor for Peace and Justice, KBOO Community Radio .

For more info or for your organization to get involved, contact Peace and Justice Works: 503.236.3065 or http://www.pjw..info.
Wednesday, March 23, time to be determined, Bagday Theater, SE 36th and Hawthorne

Ted Danson, actor and environmental activist

Famous for his portrayal of Sam Malone on the era-defining sitcom Cheers and recently for his role in HBO's critically acclaimed series Bored to Death, Danson has also devoted the last 25 years of his life to environmental activism.

Join Danson as he recounts his journey from protesting offshore oil drilling near his Southern California neighborhood in the mid-1980s to his current status as one of the most influential oceanic environmental activists, helping found Oceana, the largest organization in the world focused solely on ocean conservation.

This special event is cosponsored by Oceana. Tickets, $29.99, include admission and a copy of Danson's new book, Oceana. Visit Powells.com for all the ticket details.
Thursday, March 31, 7 PM, Jantzen Beach Red Lion Hotel, 909 N. Hayden Island Drive


The Tri-Party Agreement agencies (U.S. Department of Energy, Washington State Department of Ecology, and the U.S.nvironmental ProtectionAgency) invite you to participate in this year’s State of the Hanford Site meetings being held in March. These meetings offer the opportunity for interested members of public to discuss Hanford cleanup progress, challenges, and priorities with top decision-makers from the agencies.

This is a good opportunity to express your concerns about the clean-up process at Hanford as well as your desire not to have Hanford become a national nuclear waste disposal site.
Open hous with displays - 6 PM
Hanford Story Video - 6:45 PM
Town Hall Meeting - 7 PM

Arrive at 6 PM for a intro to the meeting by Gerry Polett of Heart of America NW.
Friday April 15th, time to be determined, Oregon Zoo

Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility 30th Anniversary Dinner

With keynote speaker Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and founding coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines.

Visit www.oregonpsr.org or call 503.274.2720 for more info.
Friday, April 22, 7PM (doors open at 6:30 PM) 1st Unitarian Church, SW 12th and Salmon

GasLand, the documentary film by Josh Fox

"The largest domestic natural gas drilling boom in history has swept across the United States. The Halliburton-developed drilling technology of "fracking" or hydraulic fracturing has unlocked a "Saudia Arabia of natural gas" just beneath us. But is fracking safe? When filmmaker Josh Fox is asked to lease his land for drilling, he embarks on a cross-country odyssey uncovering a trail of secrets, lies and contamination. A recently drilled nearby Pennsylvania town reports that residents are able to light their drinking water on fire. This is just one of the many absurd and astonishing revelations of a new country called GASLAND. Part verite travelogue, part expose, part mystery, part bluegrass banjo meltdown, part showdown.

Sponsored by Community for Earth, 1st Unitarian Church.
$5-15, no one turned away.
Saturday, April 23, Washington High School field at SE 12th and Stark

Earth Day 2011- Incorporated "We need You"

This year’s theme has been chosen to spark a conversation about incorporation being a positive attribute. In essence the word means to build bridges and close gaps. To incorporate everyone is the intention. We want to celebrate sustainable business models big and small, organizations gathering momentum in the green movement and anyone who is ready to take steps toward creating a healthy future for our children. Sustainability is an idea that will need incorporation of all parties, coming together and succeeding!

Mission Statement: The Earth Day Celebration is organized by a coalition of organizations and community members celebrating and activating environmental and social sustainability in the Portland, Oregon metro area. We encourage community service projects, citizen participation, emphasis on local economy and the restoration of a culture of cooperation. In our 12th year, we have built this event to highlight local organizations and businesses that demonstrate social and environmental sustainability in their own unique way for Portland area residents. Along with organizations & vendors at the celebration, there will be music, dance, a Kids’ Village, Health and Wellness area, Food, the Reware Upcycle Market and the T-horse.

February 2011

Tues. Feb. 1st-

This coming Tuesday, February 1st at 5:30 pm you are invited to a public forum about the Oregon State Bank.

A proposal to create a publicly owned bank modeled after the highly successful Bank of North Dakota will be heard in the 2011 Oregon legislature. Come to the event to find out what you can do to get involved in this exciting campaign.

Right now the State of Oregon deposits billions of our tax dollars into the same Wall Street Banks that crashed our economy. We believe that money could be brought home to create jobs here. By partnering with community banks, the Oregon State Bank will get credit flowing once again to Oregon’s small business owners and farmers. www.OregoniansForaStateBank.org

Forum Speakers:

Barbara Dudley - Co-Chair of the Oregon Working Families Party; Jim Houser - Co-owner of the Hawthorne Auto Clinic, and co-chair of the Main Street Alliance of Oregon; Teresa Retzlaff - Farmer at 46 North Farm in Astoria, and member of Friends of Family Farmers; State Representative Jefferson Smith - (D-Portland, District 47)

Public Forum about the Oregon State Bank

5:30 – 6 pm Reception, with drinks and finger foods

6 – 8 pm Public Forum

At the New Song Community Church, 2511 NE MLK Blvd, Portland.

Help spread the word:

If you are on Facebook you can RSVP to this event. This will help spread the word to others!

Parking Info:

New Song Community Church is located at the corner of MLK and NE Russell St. Parking is available behind the church. Note that it may be easier to access the parking lot from Sacramento street (one block South of Russell St.) For a map of the site which shows the venue and parking lots go here.

Hosted by: Oregon Working Families Party, Oregon Action and the Main Street AllianceCo-Sponsored by:

AFSCME Council 75, Alliance for Democracy, Code Pink Portland Chapter, Communication Workers of America Local 7901, Economic Justice Action Group of the First Unitarian Church, Enlace, Jobs with Justice, Laborers Local 483, National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 82, National Lawyers Guild Portland Chapter, Oregon Fair Trade Campaign, Oregon Renewable Energy Policy, Portland Alliance, PSU Faculty Association, AFT 3571, Real Wealth of Portland, The Northwest Alliance for Alternative Media & Education, UFCW Local 555, Women's International League for Peace & Freedom


Wed. Feb. 2nd-

Benefit Showing of Food Matters, Bagdad Theater, SE 37th & Hawthorne Blvd, 6:30pm to 8pm, sponsored by KBOO Radio, more info at 503-231-8032 x219. No admission fee required, donations accepted. Be there or be square!


Wed. Feb. 2nd-

Tim Kasser : Human Identity and Environmental Challenges, 5 - 7:00 pm, PSU, Shattuck Annex (SW Hall and Broadway)

Despite some important successes, the efforts of the environmental movement have thus far failed to activate the kinds of personal and social changes necessary to meet the many ecological challenges we face. A growing body of psychological research suggests that if these efforts incorporated more knowledge about human identity (including our values, our sense of social identity, and the ways we cope when threatened), greater progress towards a more sustainable (and socially just) world might be forthcoming. This event is free and open to the public.
Tim Kasser is the chair and a professor in the Psychology department at Knox College. His research focuses on materialistic values, investigating how values relate to well-being in various nations around the world, as well as what leads some people to become especially focused on different types of values. He was the Associate Editor of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, (2006-2009). Kasser is the author of The High Price of Materialism (2002). More info at 503-725-9662. Sponsored by Portland Center for Public Humanities (PCPH)


STARTS Feb. 3rd thru Aug. 31st-

2011 Illahee Lecture Series - Searching for Solutions: Innovation for the Public Good

We all know we are unlikely to solve problems going forward with solutions from the past. We need to think of new approaches. We need to innovate. But what exactly is innovation? When is it useful, trivial, destructive? And how can we tell? What conditions foster or enable innovation? How do innovative ideas move from inspiration to initial implementation to wide-spread diffusion? Furthermore, even with all the good ideas and practices out there, how do we get organizations to embrace innovative solutions at the rapid rate we'll need to avoid hitting environmental and energy walls? Unless otherwise noted, all lectures begin at 7 PM at the First Congregational Church, 1126 SW Park Avenue in Portland.

Feb. 3 — Political scientist Roger Pielke, Jr., will champion the importance of energy innovation as the key to moving past carbon towards a sustainable society.

March 14 — Consultant extraordinaire Alan AtKisson will discuss how governments, businesses and nonprofits can push the accelerator on innovation for sustainability.

March 30 — Molecular biologist Richard Jefferson will talk new tech, tools and thought to bring efficiency and equity to life-sciences-enabled innovation.

April 16 — Food guru and author Michael Pollan will explore his “Food Rules” and lay out lessons we can all take the supermarket, farmer’s market and stock market. University of Portland venue!

May 11 — Founding editor and On The Commons fellow David Bollier will take us on a tour of the commons as a new paradigm of economics, politics and culture.

Aug. 31 — The first female winner of the Nobel prize for Economics, Elinor Ostrom will discuss her work on how people interact with economic and political systems to cultivate the Commons.

$69. to $199 season passes. Single tickets also available. You can order tickets online, by mail or by phone. Illahee can accept cash or check as well as Visa and Mastercard. Call 503-222-2719, or mail check to Illahee, 720 SW Washington, Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205, online at http://illahee.org/lectures/Passes%202011/document_view .

Fri. Feb. 4th thru Sat. March 5th-

21st Annual Cascade Festival of African Films, various locations, most are at PCC Cascade Campus, 705 N. Killingsworth St, Moriarty Arts and Humanities Bldg, Rm 104 Theater. All films and events are free and open to all on a first-seated basis. Seating is limited in all venues, so come early. Free parking in all student lots. Located on buslines # 72 & # 4. 100% FREE!

The festival committee is pleased to present a variety of feature and documentary films from the African continent. The majority of films were made by African directors. The films celebrate Africa’s achievements, expose Africa’s problems, and reveal the possibilities for a more hopeful future. They show us pictures of Africa through the eyes of Africans, rather than a vision of Africa that is packaged primarily for western viewers. The films represent African concerns that are political, historical, and social. This year covers a wide range of themes and topics, including family and loyalty, parent-child relationships, community responsibility, change, the quest for peace and justice, and the power of wonder, imagination, and imani, the Swahili word for faith.

These films were chosen because they represent different countries and cultures and a range of lifestyles from pre-colonial to modern times, including both rural and urban settings. Although it is impossible to represent a whole continent with only a few films, it is our hope that through this annual film series we will encourage American viewers to become interested in African cultures and to study them further. Evening showings always include after-film audience discussions with the Directors and /or other speakers familiar with the country or subject matter.

This Film Festival brings Directors to discuss their films and does not charge admission! All descriptions, times and locations of the films can be found at www.africanfilmfestival.org . I have seen some of the films already, and I can highly recommend Stolen, StreetBall, In My Genes, and Masquerades. See you there!


Sat. Feb. 5th-
Performance for Black History Month: Ethnic Heritage Ensemble, Reed College Eliot Hall Chapel, 7:30 pm.

For more than 30 years, the Ethnic Heritage Ensemble has carried on the African American tradition of percussive jazz from a distinctly Midwest-Chicago perspective. The ensemble features the talents of three internationally renowned musicians: Dr. Kahil El’Zabar, percussionist, composer, and a prolific jazz innovator; Ernest Dawkins, a premier jazz saxophonist and composer; and Corey Wilkes, trumpet, an artist in residence and board member with the Jazz Institute of Chicago. More info at

Eliot Hall chapel. Events line 503/777-7755.


Sun. Feb. 6th- Ongoing, every Sunday

FREE community film night at The 3rd Space, 5014 NE 24th (behind the Star E Rose Cafe) every Sunday at 6pm.

Thought-provoking documentaries with informal discussions afterwards for those who want to stay & talk about their thoughts & stirrings on the film. Note: this isn't a weekly commitment (if it turns into that, awesome!) Come to whatever movie peaks your interest.

February's films:

2/06 Nobelity

2/13 Food Matters

2/20 Democracy in the Workplace, Hometown Money (two shorter films on cooperatives & local currency, respectively)

2/27 The Corporation


Tues. Feb. 8th-

Leveling the Playground: Equity and Education, Multnomah County Building, 501 S. E. Hawthorne Blvd, 7 - 8:30pm.

Speaking will be Doug Wells from the Community and Parents for Public Schools, Nichole Maher of the Native American Youth Family Center, and Dan Jamison of the Chalkboard Project. A question and answer period will follow the presentations. The Public is invited and encouraged to attend. This event will be televised available on the LWV-PDX website. Sponsored by League of Women Voters The League of Women Voters will present a panel discussion about the issues, concerns, and possible solutions for achieving educational equity in Portland's Public Schools.



Wed. Feb. 9th-

Author Robert Whitaker on his book, ANATOMY OF AN EPIDEMIC: RETHINKING PSYCHIATRY AND MOVING MENTAL HEALTH RECOVERY FORWARD, 1:30 pm, Vancouver UU Church, 4505 E. 18th St, at General Anderson. No Panel or reception here, but otherwise see info below about Mr Whitaker. More info at 360-241-0528.


Thurs. Feb. 10th-

Author Robert Whitaker will lead a panel - ANATOMY OF AN EPIDEMIC: RETHINKING PSYCHIATRY AND MOVING MENTAL HEALTH RECOVERY FORWARD, 7 pm, First Unitarian Church, 1011 SW 12th at Salmon.

Robert Whitaker's book Anatomy of an Epidemic is being called The Silent Spring of psychiatry. This is very important stuff! Reception from 5-6:45 pm, then Mr Whitaker and the panel will share their perspectives and plans to create a more compassionate mental health system in Oregon, and across the nation. $5-$20 donation requested. No one turned away for lack of funds. Two CEUs available. Child care available.

Panelists include:
Beckie Child, Director of the Mental Health America of Oregon; Cindi Fisher, Movement of Mothers Standing - Up -Together: Taking Back Our Children ( The M.O.M.S. Movement );
Chris Gordon, Assistant professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Medical Director of Mental Health Advocacy; Will Hall, Portland therapist and national leader in Peer Recovery;
Gina Nikkel, Director of the Oregon Association of Community Mental Health. More info: 503.665.3957 or www.realwealthpdx.org/rethinkingpsychiatry. Sponsored by the Economic Justice Action Group of First Unitarian Church.


Thurs. Feb. 10th-

If you're interested in Oregon's budget and want to learn more, please join State Rep Ben Cannon, State Senator Jackie Dingfelder and State Rep Michael Dembrow for a Budget Town Hall discussion, at PCC Southeast (2305 SE 82nd Ave) from 7 to 8:30 pm. We will tackle tough questions like: How should legislators respond to the estimated $3.5 billion shortfall in the state’s budget? What core state services do you depend on? How should the Legislature make Oregon’s economy and system of public finance more durable for the long term? As well as a discussion of health care, the environment, education reforms, and other issues that matter to our community. More info at (503)986-1446.


Fri. Feb. 11th-

3rd Annual NW Environmental Health Conference, 8:30 AM - 4 PM, Portland State University, Smith Memorial Student Union.

This conference will host leading scientists, researchers and healthcare professionals in the field of environmental health with emphasis on the impact the environment has on health and healthcare practices. Topics Include: Green Chemistry, Built Environment, Environmental Justice, Sustainability, Health Impact Assessments, Integrative Health Care, Obesity, Autism & Pediatric Health.

*Continuing Education Credit Available for Nurses, Environmental Health Professionals, and Naturopathic Doctors

*Discounted Student Rates!

Registration for the 3rd Annual NW Environmental Health Conference is required. Register today! More info, please contact Sara Gerlt Schroeder at 971-409-3381.


Sat. Feb. 12th-

Anarchists Against the Wall Speaking Tour (Palestine-Israeli popular resistance), Mississippi Pizza Pub, 3552 North Mississippi Ave, 9pm.

Speaking tour & Slam Poet Shachaf Polakow, Israeli AATW activist, speaks about the joint Palestinian-Israeli popular resistance against the ongoing occupation and the building of the Apartheid Wall. Local Slam Poets will perform after guest speaker. $10 Suggested donation. (All donations to support AATW). For more Info call: 602-446-9444. Sponsored by SUPER (Students United For Palestinian Equal Rights)


Sat. Feb. 19th-
Lecture for Black History Month: Annette Gordon-Reed College Kaul Auditorium, 7:30 pm.

Annette Gordon-Reed, a professor of law at New York Law School since 1992 and winner of the 2009 Pulitzer Prize in History for her book The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family (W. W. Norton, 2008), is recognized as one of our country’s most distinguished presidential scholars.

Kaul Auditorium.



Mon. Feb. 21st-

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) speaking on the subject: War is Bad
for the Economy, 3 pm, Capitol Theater in Downtown Olympia, 206 5th Ave SE. Free parking on the street (Presidents Day holiday)

Sponsored by Fellowship of Reconciliation and Veterans for Peace, Rachel
Corrie Chapter 109, $5-15 suggested donation at the door. Please pass this notice on, this is an 800 seat venue. Let's fill it up. Contact Cheryl Crist at ccrist5000@aol.com (360-754-7631) or Glen Anderson at glen@olywa.net (360-491-9093) for more information.


Tues. Feb. 22nd-

William S. Burroughs: A Man Within,by Yony Leyser, INDEPENDENT LENS-OPB TV Channel 10, 10 pm, check local listings. Usually 1 hour.

An iconoclast who himself became an icon, William Burroughs explored the outer boundaries of culture and identity in the 1950s. His work was vilified by conservatives and banned by the U.S. government, but emerged to influence artists for generations to come. Burroughs's friends and colleagues remember the public persona and the private man. Sounds very good!


Thurs. Feb. 24th-

I Can Control Myself: The 'Twilight' Saga as as American Mormon Tale of Perfection,

7 - 9 pm, PSU, Smith Memorial Student Union, Room 329.

Speaker Susana Morrill’s Twilight saga rests in its story of forbidden love. But it is also a compelling treatise on the belief that people have free will and can change themselves for the better. Perfectionism is a long-standing tradition within American Protestant-dominated culture and in Mormonism, the religions of the saga’s author, Stephanie Meyer. This talk will explore the historical roots of this religious belief in American and Mormon culture and suggest that “Twilight” represents another step in the mainstreaming of Mormon culture.
Susanna Morrill is an Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Lewis and Clark College. She teaches courses in United States religious history. Morrill’s research focuses on women in United States religions. Her work in the recent past has focused specifically on how early Mormon women used popular literature in order to argue for the theological importance of their roles in the home, community, and church. This event is free and open to the public. More info 503-725-9662 and http://publichumanities.pdx.edu/ Sponsor Portland Center for Public Humanities (PCPH) @ PSU.


Fri. Feb. 25th- Last Friday of every month.

Critical Mass! Meet-up 5:30 pm, Underneath Burnside bridge on the westside, by naito parkway. Every biker participating Get your bike parade on! Boo yah! Bring your bike, a friend, some love, and your biking legs. Celebrate bikes, or just ride with some friends in a mass, or whatever you'd like CM to be - lets do it! 6pm - Get your ride on! Critical mass info?


Sat. Feb. 26th-

Lecture for Black History Month: Manning Marable, Reed College Kaul Auditorium, 7:30 pm.

Manning Marable is the M. Moran Weston and Black Alumni Council Professor of African-American Studies and professor of history and public affairs at Columbia University. He was founding director of African American Studies at Columbia from 1993 to 2003. Since 2002, he has directed Columbia's Center for Contemporary Black History. Kaul Auditorium.


FYI: Sue Supriano is new to town and has an extensive library of Audio Interviews she has done over many years covering a lot of different materials. Check her out at: Sue Supriano - Steppin' Out of Babylon: Audio Interviews http://www.suesupriano.com

January 2011

As always, thanks to David Delk of Alliance for Democracy and Robin Bloombarden for preparing this calendar.

Multiple date series:

The Portland Plan - Inspiring Communities Series
What kind of city can we become? Let's talk about it.
Growing our economy. Educating our people. Greening the city. Creating more livable neighborhoods.
Offering all Portlanders a better quality of life. Come be part of the discussion as we hear from some of the world's best and brightest on urban issues.

All program run from 7 - 9 PM and are free to the public. Doors open at 6:30 PM
Series sponsored by City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, City Club of Portland, Portland State University and others.

Monday, January 10, Cynthia Girling and Ronald Kellett, University of British Columbia School of Architecture and Landscape Design speaking on Designing for Environment and Community at the Multnomah Arts Center Auditorium, 7688 SW Capital Hwy

Monday, January 17, Bob Weissbourd, RW Ventures, speaking on Economic Development at Mercy Corps Action Center Aceh Community Room, 28 SW 1st Ave.

Tuesday, January 4th, 5 - 7:30 PM, North Portland Library, 512 N Killingsworth

American Casino

Do you know someone in foreclosure? Do you have houses on your street in foreclosure?

If so, come see this free movie.
the movie will be followed by a brief discussion of the foreclosure crisis as it is affecting North Portland, and a presentation by Good Grief American, a grassroots non-profit organization dedicated to informing homeowners of the realities of the situation and what tools they have to deal with it.

Thursday, January 6, 7:30 PM, Powell's Books on Hawthorne

The Post Carbon Reader: Managing the 21st Century's Sustainability Crises

Climate change, peak oil, freshwater depletion, species extinction, and a host of economic and social problems challenge us now as never before. The Post Carbon Reader (Watershed Media), edited by Daniel Lerch, features articles by some of the world's most provocative thinkers, addressing the key drivers shaping this new century, from renewable energy and urban agriculture to social justice and systems resilience. This unprecedented collection takes a hard-nosed look at the interconnected threats of our global sustainability quandary — as well as the most promising responses.
Tuesday, January 11, 6:30 PM, Machinists Union Hall, 3645 SE 32nd Ave

Cross- Border Unity Against the Korea Free Trade Agreement
A Speaker's tour with the Korean Confederation of Trade Union's Kim Kyung-Ran

In early December, U.S. and Korean trade negotiators struck a deal that is expected to bring the Korea Free Trade Agreement to the floor of Congress in early 2011. This is the biggest free trade agreement since NAFTA, and is strongly opposed by the largest labor federations in each country.

The same provisions in the Korea FTA that encourage the off shoring of U.S. manufacturing jobs — such as special investor privileges, deregulatory requirements and substandard labor protections — also weaken labor’s hand in South Korea. Trade policies that increase corporate power at the expense of jobs, workers’ rights and democracy must be stopped.

Hear from Kim Kyung-Ran, Director of External Relations for the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, as she:

Busts the myth that job-killing trade deals that hurt ordinary Americans somehow benefit working people in other countries; and

Inspires us to action with photos and stories from some of South Korea’s largest and most dramatic mobilizations against the FTA to date

Kim’s stunning 35-minute slide presentation will be followed by short reports from local activists, updating you on the expected impact of the FTA in our region and how you can get involved in local efforts to stop it.

This event is part of a West Coast speaker’s tour taking place from January 10 – 15 with stops in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Eugene, Portland, Takoma and Seattle.

For more information, contact the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign at (503) 736-9777
Wednesday, January 12, 12:00 Noon, Outside Senator Wyden's office at 911 NE 11th Ave

Rally Against the Korea FTA
Oregon Can't Afford Another NAFTA-Style Trade Deal!

The largest free trade agreement since NAFTA is about to be introduced for a vote in Congress. This decidedly unfair trade deal would cost Oregon thousands of family-wage jobs, put the state’s land use and environmental laws in jeopardy and hand still more power to Wall Street. It’s not too late to stop this horrendous trade deal, but we need to act now! Join displaced workers, the unemployed and labor leaders from Oregon and South Korea in saying “NO WAY to the Korea FTA!” outside the office of U.S.Senator Ron Wyden — the Chair of the Senate Trade Subcommittee.

For more info, call the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign at (503) 736-9777. Learn more and take action online now at www.oregonfairtrade.org.
Thursday, Jan 13th, 6:30 PM, Hollywood Theater, 4122 NE Sandy

Big Mountains, Big Energy, an evening of new documentary films hosted by the Crag Law Center

Documentary films include "Deep Down", "Flathead Wild", and "The Electricity Fairy."

Join Us for a Night of Films Exploring Our Use of Coal and its Impact on Mountain Communities. The nation’s eyes are on the Pacific Northwest as coal companies are lining up to develop major coal export facilities along Oregon and Washington coasts

Guest panelists will be on hand to discuss the films, including Deep Down filmmaker Jen Gilomen and Columbia Riverkeeper director Brett VandenHeuvel.

Admission: $10.00 Win cool raffle prizes. all proceeds support Crag Law Center work to protect and sustain the Pacific Northwest's natural legacy.


VAN JONES: “Beyond Green Jobs: The Next American Economy” These lectures are FREE and open to the public. No tickets or reservations. The Eugene lecture will be followed by a book sale and signing.

Monday, January 24
7:30 pm, EMU Ballroom, UO campus, Eugene.

Watch live streaming video of this lecture on 1/24/2011 at http://media.uoregon.edu/channel/2011/01/05/van-jones-beyond-green-jobs-... begining at 7 p.m.


Tuesday, January 25
5:45 pm, White Stag Building, UO in Portland, 70 NW Couch St, Portland

Van Jones is a globally recognized, award-winning pioneer in human rights and the clean-energy economy. He is a co-founder of three successful non-profit organizations: the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Color of Change, and Green For All. He is the best-selling author of the definitive book on green jobs: The Green-Collar Economy and served as the green jobs advisor in the Obama White House in 2009. Van is currently a senior fellow at the Center For American Progress and is a senior policy advisor at Green For All.

He currently holds a joint appointment at Princeton University, as a distinguished visiting fellow in both the Center for African American Studies and in the Program in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. The Obama administration did not appreciate Van’s talents, unfortunately.

CREATING A CLEAN ENERGY ECONOMY. Our country is in the depths of an economic recession and ecological crisis. We need nine million new jobs in the United States. They must be jobs that can support families and jobs that do no harm to the environment. America needs her best minds generating smart and innovative ideas to create more jobs. Van Jones is one of those people.

As the founder of Green For All, the national organization working to get green jobs to disadvantaged communities, Van was the main advocate for the Green Jobs Act, which George W. Bush signed into law in 2007. The Act was the first piece of federal legislation to codify the term "green jobs." Under the Obama administration, it has resulted in $500 million for green job training nationally. No contact info, but see you there!


Tues. Jan. 25th-

National Day of Action: Defend free speech & the right to organize! Protest FBI and Grand Jury Repression! 5:30-6:30 pm, Federal Building,

1220 SE 3rd (Between Jefferson and Madison)

In December 2010, under the direction of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald the FBI delivered nine new subpoenas in Chicago to anti-war and Palestine solidarity activists. Patrick Fitzgerald’s office is ordering the nine to appear at a Grand Jury in Chicago January 25. In response we are calling for protests on Jan.25 across the country and around the world to show our solidarity. Hundreds of organizations and thousands of people will be protesting at Federal Buildings, FBI offices, and other appropriate places, showing solidarity with the nine newly subpoenaed activists, and with all the activists whose homes were raided by the FBI. Fitzgerald’s expanding web of repression already includes the fourteen subpoenaed when the FBI stormed into homes on September 24th, carting away phones, computers, notebooks, diaries, and children’s artwork. In October, all fourteen activists from Chicago, Minneapolis, and Michigan each decided to not participate in the secret proceedings of Fitzgerald’s Grand Jury. Each signed a letter invoking their Fifth Amendment rights. However, three women from Minneapolis Tracy Molm, Anh Pham, and Sarah Martin are facing re-activated subpoenas. They are standing strong and we are asking you to stand with them-and with newly subpoenaed nine activists-by protesting Patrick Fitzgerald and his use of the Grand Jury and FBI to repress anti-war and international solidarity activists. Contact: oregon.jericho@gmail.com


Tues. Jan 25th-

Standing up to Citizens United - a Community Forum, First Unitarian Church, Elliot Chapel, SW 12th and Salmon, 7 -9 PM, FREE.

One year ago, the US Supreme Court ruled that unlimited amounts of money form corporate coffers could be directly used in elections with almost no disclosure of its sources. In the 2010 elections, corporate funds poured into congressional races, enabling the Republicans to purchase a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. Democracy is government of, by, and for the people. Now the US Supreme Court has given us government of, by, and for corporations. What does this mean for democracy and what can we do about it?Dan Meek, Public Interest Attorney, campaign finance reform advocate, and Barbara Dudley, former Executive Director of the National Lawyers Guild and head of the Oregon Working Families Party, will speak. Sponsored by Alliance for Democracy, Co-sponsored by the Economic Justice Action Group of the 1st Unitarian Church, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Independent Party of Oregon, Progressive Party of Oregon, Oregon Working Families Party. More info at 503-548-2797 or info@progparty.org

Saturday, January 29, 2011, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM , First Unitarian Church, SW 12th and Main, Portland

Single Payer Health Care, Should Oregon Go First?

There is a moving movement for Single Payer Health Care here in Oregon, and around the country. An Oregon single payer bill will be introduced in the 2011 Oregon legislature.. All are invited to come find out more, and learn how to get more involved.

National and local speakers, including

  • Congressman John Conyers, sponsor of HR676
  • Dr. Margaret Flowers, Congressional Fellow, Physicians for a National Health Program
  • Katie Robbins, Healthcare-NOW! the national single payer advocacy group
  • Mark Dudzic, Labor Campaign for Single Payer national organizer

Sessions addressing single payer basics, health inequities, student organizing, the labor movement, nurses and physicians, building an Oregon network of single payer activists, and more.

Learn about the new single payer legislation which will be introduced into the Oregon state legislature when the new session starts in February.

For more information or to register phone 503.262.4970 or email SinglePayOregon@gmail.com
Jobs with Justice, 6025 E. Burnside Portland OR 97215

Registration fee: $20 but no one turned away for inability to pay

Co-sponsored by the Alliance for Democracy

Tuesday, Feb 1, 5:30 - 8 PM, New Song Community Church, 2511 NE MLK Blvd.

Oregon State Bank Teach In

Today Oregon deposits billions of our tax dollars into the very same Wall Street banks that crashed our economy.

Instead, we could put that money to work right here to create jobs with a new public bank for Oregon. The state bank would partner with community banks to make credit available to small businesses and farmers.

It’s a bank controlled by we the people--not the Wall Street fat cats.

Visit their website at Oregonians for a State Bank

5:30 - 6:00 PM - reception
6 - 8 PM - Community forum

Co-sponsored by the Alliance for Democracy
Thursday, Feb 10, 7 -9 PM, First Unitarian Church, SW 12th and Salmon

Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America.
Author: Robert Whitaker

Robert Whitaker, award winning author of Mad in America, discusses a medical mystery in his latest book: Why has the number of Americans considered "disabled mentally ill" tripled over the past two decades?

Whitaker is one of the first journalists to expose the long-term effects of psychiatric medications. His findings are astonishing and controversial.

More info: Marcia Meyers, 503.665.3957, marciameyers@yahoo.com
Sponsored by the Economic Justice Action Group of the First Unitarian Church

Iraq War Veteran Opposes Portland Joining JTTF

Freedom Or Fear

An open letter from an Iraq War Veteran to the People of Portland, Oregon

My friends,

 In the near future, the Portland City Council will make a decision as to whether or not the city should again join the Joint-Terrorism Task Force. This decision could adversely affect the civil liberties of the People of Portland, and may lead to the unlawful surveillance of law-abiding Portlanders in violation of Oregon law and the Bill of Rights. In 2005, Portland withdrew from the JTTF at the behest of its citizens, who had no authority over the shadowy institution that federalizes Portland Police officers and removes their obligation to State law and replaces it with the Department of Justice’s Guidelines on General Crimes, Racketeering Enterprise and Terrorism Enterprise Investigations, which were released 3 year prior to the Portland withdrawal.

A Solution for All

Because of the extreme polarization of the political parties and our society, it appears we will never solve the long list of problems plaguing our country. Moreover, getting mad and yelling at the idiots on the other side only adds to the volume of all this crazy rhetoric and propaganda; and that solves nothing.

The solution is to change how our Representatives get elected and conduct business by enacting Campaign Finance Reform and eliminating the absurd amount of money corporate lobbyists spend for control of the political parties, and by extension, OUR government. Until there is a fair and level political arena for our Legislature to work in, I suspect all hope is lost. Moreover, since the Supreme Court strengthened the concept of corporate personhood, then corporations ought to be limited to the same rights and abilities to persuade our representatives as every person in this country has, no more and no less.

Jan 14 Deadline to Apply for Big Program to Pay Mortgages for Those Who Cannot

Thousands of Oregon homeowners will have their mortgages paid for up to one year or $20,000.  Oregon has received over $200 million from the federal government to help struggling homeowners, who must apply by January 14, 2011.

Oregon Homeowner HelpVisit www.oregonhomeownerhelp.org or call 2-1-1 (or 1-800-SAFENET) to find out if you qualify. The process includes an application and an appointment.  There are no costs or fees.

The Multnomah County application center is at the Doubletree Hotel (just off the Lloyd Center MAX stop). Feel free to stop by to learn more. Open Monday – Friday 9am – 9pm and Saturdays 9am – 5pm. Closed Christmas Eve/Day, New Year’s Eve/Day. Not in Multnomah County? Call 1-800-SAFENET to find out where to apply.

Oregonian Reports on Progressive DeFazio's "Tax Rebellion"

December 9, 2010
by Charles Pope

WASHINGTON -- House Democrats on Thursday emphatically rejected the tax deal President Barack Obama forged with Republicans, insisting that no votes be taken on the package until it is substantially changed.

The declaration came in response to a proposal by Rep. Peter DeFazio that the proposal extending for two years tax cuts for all earners -- even the richest Americans -- bill be kept from the House floor until it is reopened and changed.

The near-unanimous voice vote by the Democratic caucus came soon after DeFazio offered his resolution during an early-morning, closed meeting. And while the vote is not binding and is not likely to kill the agreement, it underscored the anger and unhappiness House Democrats have with the deal and the way the White House conducted negotiations.

In arguing for the ban, DeFazio called the bill "inherently defective" because it rewards the richest American and adds $800 billion to the national debt.    Read more ...

Progressive Party Candidate DeFazio Leads the Charge in U.S. Congress Against the Obama Tax Giveaway

The U.S. House of Representatives Democratic Caucus today adopted a resolution by Rep. Peter DeFazio that will stop the Obama tax giveaway bill from going to the floor of the House for a vote. DeFazio appeared on the Oregon ballot this year as the candidate of both the Progressive and Democratic parties. According to The Hill magazine:

"We have tremendous concerns about what was given away by the White House," DeFazio told reporters in the Capitol basement after the vote.

DeFazio said the voice vote was "virtually unanimous," with only one or two members expressing dissent.

"We have given our leadership license to force the Senate and the White House back to the table to get a better deal for the American people," he said.

The full article from The Hill is here: http://thehill.com/homenews/house/132885-house-dems-vote-to-reject-tax-c...