Feed items

April 2010

On-going Events.
The Kinton Grange is sponsoring a Film Series on Agriculture and Food starting Wednesday, Jan 20 and continuing on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday through April.
The Kinton Grange is part of a national organization created for the benefit of farmers and eaters in 1868, a time of national crisis and recovery following the War Between the States.

Amendment Drive For 2010

You can put an Oregon constitutional amendment on the 2010 ballot to ensure that the political contribution limits we Oregon voters passed in 2006 will get enforced. [Learn More]

Oregon House Committee Hears Ineffective Reform Bill

The Committee on Rules of the Oregon House of Representatives on April 17, 2009, conducted a short hearing on HB 3009, a bill to establish some limits on political campaign contributions in Oregon candidate races.

A Message From Ralph Nader


By downloading and signing this Petition, you can help put a Constitutional Amendment to reform political campaign finance in Oregon on the 2010 ballot.

Already a supporter? Scroll down to help.
To help get signatures in Portland this weekend (April 18), contact

Philip Kauffman at 503-250-0327 or pmkauffman@gmail.com or check at www.fairelections.net/now

Campaign Finance Reform Supporters File Suit to Require Enforcement of Measure 47

The full press release is attached

Attached below is the full text of the complaint filed yesterday in Marion County Circuit Court. Also attached is the letter from the Secretary of State’s office stating an intent not to enforce Measure 47. Also attached is the full text of Measure 47 from the 2006 Oregon General Election Voters’ Pamphlet.

Below are comments contributed by the plaintiffs in the case.

What Should We Do Now to Achieve Campaign Finance Reform in Oregon?

Contribute your thoughts here on where we go from here. In addition to the lawsuit for enforcement of Measure 47, should we ask the Legislature to refer to voters a CFR constitutional amendment? Should we be surprised if the Legislature repeals all of Measure 47, despite its enactment by voters?

March Progressive Calendar

Below is progressive events calendar for March and April. If you know of an event you think should be listed please send me the details at davidafd1@hotmail.com.

Last night at the David Cobb/Riki Ott event at the 1st UU Church, we begin the event with a musical number by Dave Edwards and David Lyles, titled We the People Solumnly. They have a YTube video of it and is worth seeing. Link to it:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohlj4OpVgeM. I think it should be called A Railroad is not a Person.

Add Your Group to Our List

You can suggest groups to add to our list of Oregon Progressive Groups. Send an email to info@progparty.org with your suggestions. Thank you.


Full Calendar Here (break out of frame)

February Progressive Calendar

From the Alliance for Democracy, Portland Chapter

On-going Events.
The Kinton Grange is sponsoring a Film Series on Agriculture and Food starting Wednesday, Jan 20 and continuing on the 1st and 3rd Wedneday through April.

The Kinton Grange is part of a national organization created for the benefit of farmers and eaters in 1868, a time of national crisis and recovery following the War Between the States.